Preklad: While his wife asks why he let her behind and left to fight in the war, he tries to justify his choices. Maï. Alto Saxophone. Noty.
Preklad: Piano Sonata No.12 In A Flat Op.26. Pohrebné pochod. Noty. Piano Solo. Beethoven’s twelfth Piano Sonata op.
Preklad: Je to ľahké Bluff. Kniha.
Preklad: Thomas Šimák. a2. Noty. Husle. Cello. VLN. VLC. Thomas Šimák. Pre husle a violončelo.
Preklad: Thomas Šimák. a2. Noty. Fialový. Cello. VLA. VLC. Thomas Šimák. Pre violu a violončelo.
Preklad: There are many sources of inspiration which, through a kind of musical osmosis, have been absorbed into the piece.
Preklad: Dvojkoncert. Score a náhradné diely. Noty. Husle, Viola, Piano. VLN. VLA. PF. For Violin, Viola and Piano.
Preklad: Ducha nad hmotou. Obrazy Pink Floyd. Kniha.
Preklad: Dvojkoncert. Full Score. Noty. Violin, Viola, Orchestra. VLN. VLA. Orch.
Preklad: Please notice that Per Nørgård wrote 2 programme notes for the work. In FOUR OBSERVATIONS the hommage is to Bartok.