Im just doin' what I gotta' do flyin' with the rest of em' still got my Nike Boots flyin' with the rest of em X5 still got my nike Boots South side what
around walk around (flyer than the rest of em) flyer than the rest of em flyer than the rest of em and still got my Nike Boot
them, still got my nike boots Flyerthen the rest of them Flyer then the rest of them Flyer then the rest of them, still got my nike boots Still got my nike boots
with Che Guevera Look in the mirror and tell me what you see Decked out Commonwealth Yeah I'm rockin' Stussy Got my Nike Boots with the laces all crossed
Preklad: VEĽRÝB. Nike Boots.
I'm just doin' what I gotta' do flyin' with the rest of em' still got my Nike Boots Flyin' with the rest of em [X5] Still got my nike Boots South side
around walk around (flyer than the rest of em) Flyer than the rest of em Flyer than the rest of em And still got my Nike Boots
walk around walk around (flyer than the rest of em) flyer than the rest of em flyer than the rest of em and still got my Nike Boot
walk around walk around (flyer than the rest of em) Flyer than the rest of em Flyer than the rest of em And still got my Nike Boots