Here we are in the maelstrom of love Waiting for the calm to sooth our hearts Here we are and don't know how to stop Waiting for the war to end it all
Here we are In the maelstrom of Love Waiting for the calm To soothe our hearts Here we are And don't know how to stop Waiting for the war To end
Preklad: HIM. Soli v našich rán (Thulsa Doom Version).
Preklad: Infernal Veličenstva. Soli v našich rán (Thulsa Doom Version).
: Here we are In the maelstrom of Love Waiting for the calm To soothe our hearts Here we are And don't know how to stop Waiting for the war To
Money makes the world go round or so that's what they say But no one pays the sun to turn the night back into day And all the plants and animals don'
On the TV the movies and video games There's only one thing that's always the same Beat em up shoot em up kill em all Violence is nothing new to our
They've trained us to work So we can make money So we can buy their stuff But their stuff is so useless We don't really need it But they have us convinced
What do you do You create an enemy And blame him for the things That create your misery You narrow your mind And point a blind finger Society's
They call it America, the land of the free But we're not even free to walk ourselves across the street They set up these laws that tell us what to
Everyday we go to school And learn about their golden rules They fill us with their bullshit lies They brainwash us to think they're right In history
In grammar school they taught you to always think about the future As they trained you how to memorize to get good grades in high school And when you
We are both human and we breathe the same air We are both valued in this world that we share Together we bare children we must have each other The world
You want to rebel Because you are bored You complain about problem That aren't even yours You live in the squats But your parents are loaded You
The people are dumb They must be led The people are dumb They must be fed They wouldn't know what to do Unless they were told And that's why the
Racial tendencies, racial abuse Crimes of hate, there's no excuse In your mind it all seems correct And I will be happy with my hands around your neck