? And when I set sail will there be enough wind? And when I set sail will there be enough wind? When I set sail will there be enough wind? Cool water
Preklad: Dead počasie. Bude k dispozícii dostatok vody.
comes in When I set sail, Will there be enough wind? When I set sail, Will there be enough wind? When I set sail, Will there be enough wind? Cool water
through the dead of winter The darkness lingers Waiting for a tired sun to shine You say you can predict the weather It'll all get better Soon enough it will be
the dead of winter The darkness lingers Waiting for a tired sun to shine You say you can predict the weather it'll all get better soon enough it will be
through the dead of winter The darkness lingers Waiting for a tired sun to shine You say you can predict the weather it'll all get better soon enough it will be