I smear my hate on you You hung it you hung why so dirty hay You hung it you hung it is this the beginning of the end Ranked! But nothing ever smelt
Preklad: Závet. Začiatok konca.
i smear my hate on you you hung it you hung why so dirty hay you hung it you hung it is this the beginning of the end ranked! but nothing ever smelt
up i smear my hate on you you hung it you hung why so dirty hay you hung it you hung it is this the beginning of the end ranked! but nothing ever smelt
Preklad: Kvetináč. Začiatok konca.
The beginning of the end The beginning of the end And when the angels begin to fall Into their fiery hell They knew that there would be no end But they
From ethers tragic I am born again And now I'm with you now Inside your world of wow To move in desires made of deadly pretends Till the end times begin
For we are all that is left The echo bounces off me The shadow lost beside me There's no more need to pretend Cause now I can begin again Is it bright
: This is where we start This now takes our hearts away Thus we reach the end The beginning and the end You see... I could not try and here are you
: Vers 1: Kennst du das Gefuhl, wenn du dich anstrengst, und alles, was du kriegst, sind nur Tritte in den Arsch, wie die Romer bei Asterix. Ich weiss