She draws the costume correct in thick, black and red eyeliner. She's too young for the club but the guys at the door don't mind her. The boys are
You probably wish u were anywhere but here remember this now cause it soon will disapear youll find yourself wishing your anyone but you im starting
I found these plastic parts and wires Let's split me open at the seams And rip out everything inside Make room for all these new machines Sew me up and
When its all burning when its all burning when its over when its all said and done were we ever even alive this keeps repeating in my head we should
As all my doubts and fears began to disappear i am stronger than before just need something this heaven's a forein place theres no pleasure in the pain
of my heart) My dreams are mostly lost and found on other streets, in other towns But babe, you know, I still look out for you Other boys I knew were
lie awake and I hear the wind Blowing through the seasons of my heart again My dreams are mostly lost and found on other streets, in other towns But
any other way" I said, "I wouldn't have it, have it any other" (Wouldn't have it any other way) (Wouldn't have it any other way) (Wouldn't have it any other
Des murs qui se lezardent, Un escalier etroit, Une vieille mansarde Et me voila chez moi. Un lit qui se gondole, Un' table de guingois, Une lampe a petrole
J'habite de l'autre cote de la rue Et gros un cauchemar pour commissaire Les mecs de ma generation vont ainsi, Fuck l'insigne, un classique, un principe
Preklad: Piaf, Edith. Na druhej strane ulice.
Preklad: Strait, Jiří. Láska prichádza z druhej strane mesta.
Preklad: Strait, Jiří. Love Comes z druhej strany.
Preklad: Strait, Jiří. Jedna noha v prednej strane iný.