falter as if in dire consequence. Freezing fish to fry, fail to materialise. Christ-child, blood-warm current sends to touch the skies. El nino. Bathing
falter as if in dire consequence. Freezing fish to fry, fail to materialise. Christ-child, blood-warm current sends to touch the skies. El nino.
Preklad: Jethro Tull. El Nino.
winds falter as if in dire consequence. Freezing fish to fry, fail to materialise. Christ-child, blood-warm current sends to touch the skies. El nino
winds falter as if in dire consequence Freezing fish to fry fail to materialize Christ-child, blood-warm current sends to touch the skies El nino Bathing
Preklad: Jethro Tull. El Niño.