The same power that conquered the grave Lives in me, lives in me Your love that rescued the earth Lives in me, lives in me You sing The same power that
Same power that conquered the grave lives in me, lives in me, your love that rescued the earth lives in me, lives in me. You sing Same power (crowd)
Preklad: Hillsong. Tie sú tu (rovnaký výkon).
: Same power that conquered the grave lives in me, lives in me, your love that rescued the earth lives in me, lives in me. You sing Same power (crowd
, beholding Your beauty And In the time of trouble, of this will I be sure You ask me who do I say that You are And I say that you are the Christ, Son
Jesus you are my God Jesus you are my everything Jesus you are my God I give you my all Jesus you are my Lord Jesus you are my everything Jesus you are
trouble, of this will I be sure. Copyright 2003 Jennifer Va'a/Hillsong Publishing You ask me who do I, say that You are and I, say that you are the
Preklad: Austrália Hillsongs. Tie sú sú Pán.
Preklad: Hillsong Spojené. Tie sú sú Pán.
Preklad: Hillsongs. Tie sú Si Pán.