Preklad: Hertzainak. 564.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Eder Baťu.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Ez Dago Ilusio Faltsurik.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Hau Dena Aldatu Nahi Nuke.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Hertzainak.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Pakean Utzi Arte.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Salda Badago.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Sigarrillos Amariyos.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Tá Ezer Ez Da Berdin.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Aitormena.
Preklad: Hertzainak. Kalom Hutsik.
As I pull myself together for the first time in a minute I think about some of my friends who have left this time, this route And as I lay me down to
begir wie gar senlich verlanget mir min eigen hertz erkennen git Nun froewst Du mich und weist das nit davon muos ich belangen han Von senen mir min hertz
you are the one the chosen one on the run where would you run? disciple of the sun you are the sign the beacon for mankind soon you will shine the rays
my my my my my yet another time i?ll try to understand my my my my my mind it?s ahead, behind i must unwind yet another try, a song, a story, an approach
damn this illusion lust and confusion are eating up my mind this situation?s devils creation an evil in disguise ?cause i can?t get out of here where
open water people oh people how sad oh how sad your ego and envy oh people oh people so cold oh so cold you?re all feeling empty and alone people oh
ocean of mercy where are you hiding? show yourself to me i know you?re just playing reveal your compassion come to me come, come, come and end this illusion