Mother earth looks at her closely She looks at her baby and she sighs The slight breathing pause that she takes It builds her and makes her strong She
Mother earth look at her closely she looks at her baby and she sighs the slight breathing pause that she takes it builds her and makes her strong She
Preklad: The Gathering. Krajina je mojím svedkom.
Preklad: The Gathering. Krajina je mi svedkom (Radio Edit).
: Mother earth look at her closely she looks at her baby and she sighs the slight breathing pause that she takes it builds her and makes her strong
know my work Down to the basement, the dog get it first I can't help myself, my thoughts ain't my own The voices in my head just won't leave me alone
Corcovado parted the sky and through the darkness on earth he shined crucified in stone still his blood is my own glory behold on my eyes have seen, have
you Your riches have rotted away And your clothes have been eaten by moth Your gold and silver is covered with rust And this rust will be witness against
fated sedition comes to naught, however, when their temple is destroyed and they are all slain in a catastrophic violent climax. Whether this is perhaps
my bloodwar at the first light of dawn Crowned lord beheaded before me; glimpse your god dethroned Iconoclast, the glorification of darkness All is gone.... he is
we rise. This is our forthcoming. We rise. This is the end. Or is it just the end of? This is the end. This is the end. Or is it just the end of? Time
r-rap, Renaissance... This is the Renaissance... This is the Renaissance... ... So here we go, now It is the +Midnight Maurader+ on the scene Geographically earthed
'll drink and laugh under the banner of death we ride so fuck you I am god Witness your own death as I draw my sword scream as you die and I'll grow stronger
grief, no pain no anguish, no fear, just DEATH, sweet death In total solitude I release my soul into this void of coldness and hate my spirit is cleansed
earth Ever heard of Jason, then you know my work Down to the basement, the dog get it first I can't help myself, my thoughts ain't my own The voices in