I bear the seed of ruin A golden age turned to stone Elysium..... to dust For this, a tragic journey A vision of a dying embrace Scattered earth Silence
I bear the seed of ruin A golden age turned to stone Elysium... to dust For this, a tragic journey A vision of a dying embrace Scattered earth Silence
Preklad: Anathema. Hynúce želanie.
: I bear the seed of ruin A golden age turned to stone Elysium... to dust For this, a tragic journey A vision of a dying embrace Scattered earth
: I bear the seed of ruin A golden age turned to stone Elysium... to dust For this, a tragic journey A vision of a dying embrace Scattered earth Silence
I bear the seed of ruin A golden age turned to stone Elysium... to dust For this, a tragic journey A vision of a dying embrace Scattered earth