Preklad: Oh, Oh ja Falling In Love Again. Ride The Wild Surf. Hold The Ladder Steady. At The Hop.
Preklad: Definitívne Bob Dylan Songbook. A Hard Rain-Gonna Fall. All Along The Watchower. Baby, som In The Mood For You.
Preklad: Farby Of The Wind. All Around The World. Ďalšie One Bites The Dust. At The Hop. Beauty And The Beast.
Preklad: Najlepšie Fake Book Ever - Bb 2nd Edition. Candle in the Wind. Oheň a dážď. the Flintstones. King of the Road.
Preklad: Najlepšie Fake Book Ever - 2. vydanie - Eb Edition. Candle in the Wind. Oheň a dážď. the Flintstones.