Preklad: Veľké Hymns Of The Faith. Je tu Song In The Air. I Love Thy Kingdom, Pane. Shelter In The Time Of The Storm.
Preklad: Chvála. I Love Thy Kingdom, Pane. All In The Name Of Ježiša. Mám Krista In My Heart. Vytvorte In My čisté srdce.
Preklad: Hymns For Božej rodiny. I Am Dôvera Tebe, Pane Ježišu. I Will Sing Of My Redeemer. Čo Friend za hriešnikov.
Preklad: Rise Up spev. Acres of Mušle. Apple Trees in Bloom. Blowin 'In The Wind. hymnus. Dancing In The Street.
Preklad: Ľudové piesne Fake Book - C Edition. River In The Pines,. Roll v mojej sladké dieťa Arms. Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
Preklad: Rise Up spev - skupina spievajúci Songbook. Acres of Mušle. Apple Trees in Bloom. Blowin 'In The Wind. hymnus.
Preklad: Down In The Willow záhrade. Face Lost In The Crowd. Footprints in the Snow. Give Me Your Hand.
Preklad: Veľdielo. Pane, som Lift Your Name on High. The Power Of Your Love. Arms Of Love. Seekers Of Your Heart. Štát.