Preklad: Skrotiť Raging Rapids. Vydala The FJH Music Company Inc. Brian Balmages. Skrotiť zúriacej Rapids zložených Brian Balmages.
Preklad: E-Z Играть Сегодня. All The Pretty Little Horses. The Blue Tail Fly. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Rôzny.
Preklad: The Curse of El Rojo Grande skladá Jason K. Nitsch. B-Flat trumpeta noty. Euphonium noty. Horn noty. Bicie noty. Tympány noty.
Preklad: Ryanov Mammoth zbierka Fiddle Tunes. Rose Of The Valley cievka. The Irish Rover cievka. H-'On The Wabash Jig.
Preklad: Persephone a Four Seasons. Pred rokom Charles Ansbacher ma poverený napísať hnutia Pluto pre výkon Gustav Holst je "" The Planets.
Preklad: Persephone a Four Seasons. She demonstrated her anger by punishing the earth’s inhabitants with bitter cold and blustering winds.
Preklad: Symfónia č 2. Nineteen ninety-eight marks the tenth anniversary of my plunge into the world of ballet.