Preklad: 1960. Born To Lose. I Like It Like That. Odchádzam It Up To You. Let It Be Me. Rôzny. 1960. Brožované Lyrics.
Preklad: Evanjelium kancionál, Volume 3. Something to Shout About. There Will Never Be Ďalšie Ježiš. Zbor noty. Krúžková väzba.
Preklad: Môžeme Work It Out. Môžete Never Give Me Your Money. Budeš Lose That Girl. Hlas noty. Gitara noty. Začiatok.
Preklad: Best of Beatles pre lesný roh. Môžeme Work It Out. Môžete Never Give Me Your Money. Budeš Lose That Girl. The Beatles.
Preklad: Great American Songbook Krajina - 2. vydanie. It's Hard To Be Humble. Born To Lose. Down At The Twist And Shout. Rôzny.
Preklad: Best of Beatles pre hoboj. Môžeme Work It Out. Môžete Never Give Me Your Money. Budeš Lose That Girl. The Beatles.
Preklad: Piesne krajiny. Dole na Twist a Shout. Born To Lose. Down At The Twist And Shout. Rôzny. Klavír, spev, gitara noty.
Preklad: Twist and Shout. Môžeme Work It Out. Môžete Never Give Me Your Money. Budeš Lose That Girl. The Beatles.
Preklad: Best of The Beatles - pozauna. Twist and Shout. Môžeme Work It Out. Môžete Never Give Me Your Money. The Beatles.
Preklad: Beatles J-Y. Môžeme Work It Out. Môžeme Work It Out. Môžete Never Give Me Your Money. Budeš Lose That Girl.
Preklad: Najväčších svetových južnej Gospel Songs. Shout, Brother, Shout. Rôzny. Klavír, spev, gitara noty. Hlas noty. Gitara noty.
Preklad: Môžeme Work It Out. Budeš Lose That Girl. Môžeme Work It Out. Môžete Never Give Me Your Money. The Beatles.
Preklad: Myslím, že som Gonna Like It Tu. Never Ending. Patch It Up. Shout It Out. Elvis Presley. Hlas noty.
Preklad: Dole na Twist a Shout. Keby som povedal, že máte krásne telo by ste Hold It Against Me. Rôzny. Easy Guitar sheet music.