Preklad: When you're weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all. 0-7579-0193-X.. Plán. Vokálne. Akordy.
Preklad: Na svete najkrajší hudba. Anne Murray. You Raise Me Up. You Raise Me Up. Dan Coates. Easy Piano notového.
Preklad: Na svete najkrajší hudba. Ak som niekedy by Leave You. Len, že to hovoríš You Love Me. Anne Murray. Rôzny.
Preklad: Nikto Loves Me Like You Do. You And Me. Over You. So Far - Piano Software. Klavírny noty.
Preklad: Over The slaný oceán. Margaret Anne Robertson. Pán Murray. Keď You And I Were Young, Maggie. Ken Perlman.