Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Flauta noty. Koncert kapely.
Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Barytón Horn BC noty.
Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Trombone noty. Pre trombón.
Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. B-Flat trumpeta noty.
Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Tenor saxofón noty.
Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Alto Saxophone noty.
Preklad: Kapela výrazy, Book One Student Edition. Skladá sa Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Päť Foot Two, Eyes of Blue.
Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Clarinet noty. Pre klarinet.
Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Fagot Solo noty. Pre fagot.
Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Tuba noty. Koncert kapely.
Preklad: Kapela Expressions ", Book One. Študent Edition v zložení Robert W. Smith a Michael Story. Oboe noty. Koncert kapely.
Preklad: Touch Of Majstra za ruku. The Power Of Your Love. Arms Of Love. Lamb Of Glory. Shepherd Of My Heart.