Preklad: Brian McKnight. All you do is tell me lies. You didn't think that I would catch you. Angličtina.
Preklad: Brian McKnight , Rodney Jerkins , Fred Jerkins , Jeannie Mason , LaShawn Daniels. Hal Leonard. Angličtina. 0-7692-9310-7.
Preklad: Brian McKnight, Brandon Barnes. Do you ever think about me. Hal Leonard, Universal. Angličtina. 0-7692-9310-7.
Preklad: Thinking back when we first met, I remember what you said And I'm not letting go till you hold me, mold me.
Preklad: Sunday night, two weeks past, the last time I saw your face Are you lonely for me. Hal Leonard, Universal. Angličtina. Plán.
Preklad: It's been too long since last I saw your face Do you want me anything like I want you. Hal Leonard, Universal. Plán.
Preklad: Smash Pop Hits - flauta. Aj Do Cherish You. Rôzny. Flute Solo noty. Začiatok. Smash Pop Hits - flauta. Flauta. Dohodol Rôzne.
Preklad: A Little More Time On You. Cherish You. Lost In You. 1999-2000 Special Edition. Rôzny. Klarinet Solo noty. Klarinet.
Preklad: Rockových hitov. Brian McKnight. Tell Me. Rôzny. Klavírny noty. Rockových hitov. Keyboard Play-Along Objem 5.
Preklad: Fred Hammond - Niečo 'Bout láska. Miloval On Me. Klavír, spev, gitara noty. Hlas noty. Fred Hammond - Niečo 'Bout láska. Plán.