Preklad: Any suggestion that these were intended as Anglican anthems is probably refuted by an examination of the textual sources. a 6..
Preklad: MacKillop Meter. 88.
Preklad: Mozart's Regina Coeli , K. 276, is a Marian antiphon, a type of liturgical chant common in the Gregorian repertory.
Preklad: version of this work. A three voice version, created due to several requests, is also available at CPDL..
Preklad: This is a Mass in honour of Our Lady of Aglona – the biggest Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Latvia. Varhany.
Preklad: poškodenie. Cappella. Sacred, Chant. Jazyk. Latvian.
Preklad: Holy Mary Mother of God is a beautiful prayer written by Pope Benedict XVI as a conclusion to his Encyclical Deus Amor est.
Preklad: Luca Marenzio. Cappella. Sacred, motet. Jazyk. Latin. SATB. To motet, písaný pre sviatok posvätenia Panny Márie Major.
Preklad: Cappella. Sacred, motet. Jazyk. Pôvodný text a preklady. Pôvodný text a preklady možno nájsť na.
Preklad: This setting of the office hymn for Marian feasts is No. 25 in Georg Rhau 's Sacrorum hymnorum liber primus.
Preklad: Recordar Virgo Mater. It is based on an offertory sung at feasts of the Virgin Mary. The offertory is in Mode I. Jazyk.
Preklad: Hodíme Maria Panna. Cappella. Sacred, Magnificat antiphon pre 2. vešperách Nanebovzatia. Jazyk. SATB. Pôvodný text a preklady.
Preklad: SATB , with sections for Choral ATB soli & Choral SS soli. Charpentier calls for additional instrumental interludes. Jazyk.
Preklad: Moreover, in that way we get united with his human side which is close to us and which we understand the best. Bruno Vlahek.
Preklad: The popular song by Mary Donnelly and George L.O. Strid, arranged for two-part choir. Noty. 2-Part Choir, klavírny sprievod.
Preklad: Táto krajina je vaša krajina. Peter, Paul. akordy, texty, melódie.
Preklad: To je láska. Mary Chapin Carpenter pre hlas, klavír alebo gitaru.