Preklad: Piesne "Okrúhle táboráku. Big Corral. Crooked Trail do Holbrook. COWBOY'S DREAM,. Rôzny. Gitara noty. Pre gitaru.
Preklad: Text. Goodnight My Love, Pleasant Dreams. I'm Walking Behind You. All Alone Am I. The Power Of The Dream.
Preklad: E-Z Играть Сегодня. Big poznámka notácie. Goodnight My Love, Pleasant Dreams. All Alone Am I. Crooked Malý Man.
Preklad: Keď You And I Were Young, Maggie. Big Coffin cievka. Big John Mcneill. Crooked Stovepipe. Ken Perlman.
Preklad: Na vychodenej cesty. z "Led Zeppelin I". z "Led Zeppelin I". Z Buddy Rich Big Band je "milosrdenstvo, Mercy".