Preklad: Chvála. - Amens - America The Beautiful - a to môže byť. Moje oči videly The Glory. Bring Back The Jar.
Preklad: Hymns For Božej rodiny. Tell Me The Old, Old Story. Children Of The Nebeskému Otcovi. Beyond The Sunset.
Preklad: Rise Up spev. All The Pretty Little Horses. America The Beautiful. Blowin 'In The Wind. Circle of the Sun.
Preklad: Text. Dimming Of The Day. Children Of The World. Walk On The Wild Side. The Power Of The Dream.
Preklad: Hymn Fake Book - C Edition. Nothing But The Blood. Lily Of The Valley. Just Over In The Gloryland. O Happy Day.
Preklad: Rise Up spev - skupina spievajúci Songbook. All The Pretty Little Horses. America The Beautiful. Blowin 'In The Wind.
Preklad: Guitar Chord Songbook Biele stránky. King of the Road. Man in the Mirror. The Way It Is. Heart Of The Matter.
Preklad: Najlepší rock Pop Fake Book. Man in the Mirror. Walkin 'The Dog. Still The One. Let The Music Play.
Preklad: Symfónia č 2. Genesis. David Gillingham. B-Flat trumpeta noty. Anglický roh noty. Stupeň 5. Symfónia č 2. Genesis zložil David Gillingham.
Preklad: Symfónia č 6. Skóre. Noty.