Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - Bb Horn. Krídlovka od The Black Eyed Peas. Krídlovka. Krídlovka noty. Horn noty.
Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - Eb Alto Sax. I Gotta Feeling - Eb Altové saxofón od The Black Eyed Peas. Rock.
Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - Snare Drum. I Gotta Feeling - bubienok od The Black Eyed Peas. Bicie noty. Šampanské.
Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - Bb klarinet. I Gotta Feeling - B klarinet od The Black Eyed Peas. Dohodol Paul Murtha.
Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - flauta. Piccolo od The Black Eyed Peas. Malé. Piccolo noty. Aj Gotta Feeling - flauta.
Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - Bells. Xylofón od The Black Eyed Peas. Xylofón. Bicie noty. Xylofón noty. Marching band.
Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - F Horn. I Gotta Feeling - f horn od The Black Eyed Peas. Horn noty. Marching band.
Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - pozauna. I Gotta Feeling - Trombone by The Black Eyed Peas. Trombone noty. Šampanské.
Preklad: I Gotta Feeling - 1st Bb Trumpet by The Black Eyed Peas. B-Flat trumpeta noty. Dohodol Paul Murtha. Šampanské.
Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - Tuba. I Gotta Feeling - Tuba by The Black Eyed Peas. Tuba noty. Dohodol Paul Murtha.
Preklad: I Gotta Feeling - 2nd Bb Trumpet by The Black Eyed Peas. B-Flat trumpeta noty. Dohodol Paul Murtha. Šampanské.
Preklad: I Gotta Feeling - Electric Bass by The Black Eyed Peas. Dohodol Paul Murtha. Pre Electric Bass. Šampanské. Rock.
Preklad: I Gotta Feeling - Quad Toms by The Black Eyed Peas. Dohodol Paul Murtha. Marching band. Pre Quad Toms. Rock.
Preklad: I Gotta Feeling - 3rd Bb Trumpet by The Black Eyed Peas. B-Flat trumpeta noty. Dohodol Paul Murtha. Šampanské.
Preklad: I Gotta Feeling - Multiple Bass Drums by The Black Eyed Peas. Bubny noty. Bicie noty. Dohodol Paul Murtha. Rock.
Preklad: I Gotta Feeling - Bb Tenor Sax by The Black Eyed Peas. Dohodol Paul Murtha. Pre Bb Tenor Sax. Šampanské. Rock.
Preklad: I Gotta Feeling - Eb Baritone Sax by The Black Eyed Peas. Dohodol Paul Murtha. Pre Eb barytón saxofón. Pop.
Preklad: Aj Gotta Feeling - barytón t.č. I Gotta Feeling - Baritone T.C. by The Black Eyed Peas. Marching band.