Preklad: 116. Double Bass noty. Harp noty. Trombone noty. piano pre skúšku len. Žalm. Franz Schrekera. Zbor noty.
Preklad: 116. Double Bass noty. Harp noty. Trombone noty. piano pre skúšku len. Žalm. Franz Schrekera. Hlas noty.
Preklad: A ballet in five movements for orchestra was commissioned by The Royal Opera House, for Sir Kenneth MacMillan and The Royal Ballet.
Preklad: Harp noty. Trombone noty. Moderný, Opera. Bazény of Darkness. Brian Ferneyhough, James Dillon. Gitara noty. Horn noty.
Preklad: Bass Voice noty. Harp noty. Trombone noty. Opera v troch dejstvách. Giuseppe Verdi. B-Flat trumpeta noty.
Preklad: Dva Foscari - benátsky dóža - Aj vďaka Foscari. Bass Voice noty. Harp noty. Trombone noty. Giuseppe Verdi. Zbor noty.
Preklad: Flauta, 3 klarinet, fagot, 2 rúrky, Bass rúrka, trombón, harfa, Cimbal, klavír, bicie 3. Isis a Osiris Op.74. Noty. Hlas.
Preklad: Bass Voice noty. Harp noty. Trombone noty. Gunter Bialas. Alto Voice noty. B-Flat trumpeta noty. Barytón noty.