Preklad: Close To You. Ak You Love Me. Keď som Need You. Keď Will Aj See You Again. 70.. Rôzny. Hlas noty.
Preklad: Rise Up spev. All The Pretty Little Horses. America The Beautiful. Blowin 'In The Wind. Circle of the Sun.
Preklad: Ľudové piesne Fake Book - C Edition. The Blue Tail Fly. The Streets of Laredo. Ring Around The Rosey.
Preklad: Výbery Od VH1 má 100 najväčších Love Songs. Keep On Loving You. Baby, I Love Your Way. Crazy For You.
Preklad: Rise Up spev - skupina spievajúci Songbook. All The Pretty Little Horses. America The Beautiful. Blowin 'In The Wind.