
Texty: Retard-O-Bot. Zorro.

the sun is so bright in my eyes

if you're a dude
he'll cut Z in your chest
and if you're a chick
he'll slash them straps right off your dress
cut a Z in your chest
cut a Z in your chest
slash them straps right off your dress
slash them straps right off your dress

across the desert once again.. down horsey

he got along sword, but he got a little mask
he got along sword, but he got a little mask
zorro ride a horse and he's got a mustache
zorro ride a horse and he's got a mustache

.. and a horse.. but i already told you that

if you're a dude
he'll cut Z in your chest
and if you're a chick
he'll slash them straps right off your dress
cut a Z in your chest
cut a Z in your chest
cut a Z in your chest
cut a Z in your chest
slash them straps right off your dress
slash them straps right off your dress
slash them straps right off your dress
slash them straps right off your dress