
Texty: Yael Naim. Yaël Naim. Pachad.

oca oiai oaeo au aoe?eei oaoa uucee
ia iaa ?auo ie u\'eaeei aaio uuc??e
ui ie ea oaoa uuu?oie aiea oaoa uucee ia ioa
aaio iai aaco aaue iiei oaoa uueoeae
aaa aie iaeo au auieei aaio oeuea uuce
ui ie ea oaoa uu?ne iaa aaeo ?ii uuooce ioa
aaio oeuea uuce iaa oaoau uooce ioa aaeo a?ii uuaie ie au
ui ie ea
ui ie ea
ui ie ea oaoa uu?ne iaa aaeo ?ii uuooce ioa
aaio oeuea uuce iaa oaoa uuooce ioa
aaeo a?ii uuaie ie au, ie auuuuu, ie auuuu, ie auuuu

pahad amoom otef et ha-enaym
rotze shetehakee lo levad
kosher li tayadaym, omer teethaninee
ten li yad
rotze shetetkapli elahv
rotze shetehakee lo la-ad

ometz lavan dohef oti lamaym
rotze sheteratvee
bo elai
meir li et hashamaym

omer ahshav tesshi
ten li yad
rotze shetenasi levad
hegia zman shetifrehi la-ad

omer ahshav tesshi levad
rotze shetenasi la-ad
hegia zman shetegali mi at

ten li yad... ten li yad...

ten li yad
rotze shetenasi levad
hegia zman shetifrehi la-ad

omer ahshav tesshi levad
rotze shetifrehi la-ad
hegia zman shetegali mi at

mi at? mi at? mi at?
a dim fear cover the eyes
I want you to wait for him alone
connecting my hands, and tell me to ask
give me a hand
want you to folding to him
want you to wait for him forever
white courage pushing me into the water
want you to get wet
come to me
shining the skys for me
give me a hand, want you to try by yourself
this is the time that you will bloom forever
swim alone now, he says
want you to bloom forever
its time that you figure out who you are
give me a hand
give me a hand

give me a hand, want you to try by yourself
this is the time that you will bloom forever
swim alone now, he says
want you to bloom forever
its time that you figure out who you are
who are you?
who are you?
who are you?

(Thanks to Hadar & hiro, LaCicci for these lyrics)