
Texty: Haggard. Origin Of A Crystal Soul.

As dawn is weaving between fallen autumn leaves
The poor ones gather under naked trees
Asking how to survive, 'cause the winter breaks
And medieval coldness now from a deep sleep awakes

Libera me domine de morte, aetema in die illa tremenda
[Free me oh Lord from the death, in the terrible day of it]

It's December, 14th 1503, as the ones above stop their mourning
As the one arrived - selected to foresee - something changed without a warning!
(Libera me domine de morte, aetema in die illa tremenda)
[Free me oh Lord from the death, in the terrible day of it]

Es war geboren in des Christengottes Zeit
[It was born in the time of Christ the God]
Ein Bub - so die Legende - mit des Schopfer's Fahigkeit
[One boy - as the Legend - with the Creator's abilities]
Zu sehen, was sein wird, im verborgenen, unerkannt
[To see, what will be, hidden, unknown]
Denn der mit dem Leumund des Ketzers wurd(war???) offentlich verbrannt
[Then those with the reputation of the heretics were often burnt]

Die Hand, die - greifend nach dem Schonen - blutet von der Rose Dorn
[The hand, that reached for the beauty - bled from the rose thorn]
Der Trieb der Menschen Habgier, bestraft durch Gottes Zorn
[Human instinct of greed, punished by the God's wraith]
Er, der Spiegel eurer Seele, spurt die Trauer, Kummer, Gram
[He, the mirror of our souls, sensed the mourning, grief, sorrow]
Er, der Trager dieses Namens: Michael de Notre Dame
[He, the owner of the names: Michael de Notre Dame]
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