
Texty: Clawfinger. Money Power Glory.

The money, the power, the glory It's the survival of the fittest, the toughest, the meanest the slickest When the shit hits the fan then we'll see who's leanest, the quickest We'll witness the vultures when they begin the fighting & the feasting there's a piece of a beast in us all that we're afraid of just releasing there's no rhyme or reason when our instincts are awoken the borders are broken, suddenly the truth is spoken Survival of the fittest, the toughest, the meanest the slickest We're all in it for THE MONEY THE POWER, THE POWER THE GLORY, THE GLORY THE FAME, IT'S THE SAME OLD STORY Break all of the rules neccessary to win the competition Fake your place in the ratrace and then try to take the pole position the mission is simply to make sure you that you get all your chances So make no mistakes and make sure that nobody else advances make your way to the top by any means necessary and carry on until your enemies are dead & buried the greed is what feeds us every time we plant the seed it's the root of all the evil but we take what we need Survival of the fittest, the toughest, the meanest the slickest [Chorus] We're all looking for the power, the money & the glory and the story never stops we like to kill for territory It's better safe than sorry, watch your back this is a war A sneak attack, a payback, they've got a foot in the door So be sure to be secure or be sure to draw blood we're all down in the dirt dragging our names through the mud what we won't do for love, we do for money and fame in this game the main aim is to make yourself a name for..... [Chorus]