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Over My Head. Cable Car. by The Fray. - Digital Sheet Music.


Over My Head. Cable Car. The Fray. - Digitálne noty.


Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. D4-E5. MN0054527_D1. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Over My Head. Cable Car. The Fray. G Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. I never knew, I never knew that ev'rything was falling through, that ev'ryone I knew was waiting on a cue to turn and run,. Ab Major. Song. Moderately fast. q 120. Movie. TV. Adult Alternative. Alternative Pop. Rock. Pop Rock. Soundtrack. American Trad Rock. Piano Rock. Joseph King. Isaac Slade. 2005. EMI Music Publishing. Stealth. Original Soundtrack. The Fray - How to Save a Life. How to Save a Life. View All.


Plán. Vokálne. Gitara. Voice, rozsah. D4-E5. MN0054527_D1. Obsahuje kompletné texty. Kompatibilný. Over My Head. Cable Car. Fray. G Major. Musicnotes Čo to je. Musicnotes File. Okamžite na vytlačenie digitálny notový záznam a interaktívne, na stiahnutie noty súborov PC kompatibilné. Nikdy som nevedel, nikdy som vedel, že ev'rything padá cez, že ev'ryone som vedel, že čakal na povel otočiť a bežať,. Ab Major. Pieseň. Stredne rýchly. 120 q. Film. Televízie. Adult Alternative. Alternatívne Pop. Rock. Pop Rock. Zvuková stopa. Americký Trad rock. Piano rock. Joseph Kráľ. Isaac Slade. 2005. EMI Music Publishing. Tajnosť. Original Soundtrack. The Fray - Ako zachrániť život. Ako zachrániť život. Zobraziť všetko.