
Noty $14.19


Lorna Campbell. Adam's Rib. CD. Lorna Campbell. --.


Lorna Campbell. Adamovho rebra. CD. Lorna Campbell. --.


It all began with ”It’s Over Now”. Depressed and guilty about his failing marriage Ian Campbell had put his feelings into song form and then, to make it suitable for Lorna , he rewrote it from the woman’s point of view as ”It’s Over Now”. Lorna liked performing the song and commented on the very positive response it so often evoked in women, who obviously empathised with the song’s theme, the despair at the end of an affair. Lorna was long overdue a solo album and, around this song, gradually the idea emerged of an album on the general theme of a woman’s life, with each song illustrating some nodal experience. Lorna was familiar with the songs and she recorded each track as a straight performance, while onto Hugo’s bass line Aiden and Colin laid only a basic chord sequence, embellished by the Qualey guitar magic. On one track we hear the violin of John Sheahan, fabled fiddler with the Dubliners, and on another the harmonica of Roger Marriott.


Všetko to začalo: "Je to Over Now". Depresívne a previnilo o svojom zlyhaní manželstve Ian Campbell dal svoje pocity do piesňovej formy, a potom, aby bol vhodný pre Lorna, on to prepísal z ženinho pohľadu ako "Je to Over Now". Lorna páčil prevedením piesne a komentoval veľmi pozitívnym ohlasom, že tak často vyvolal u žien, ktorý sa zrejme empathised s témou piesne, zúfalstvo na konci záležitosť. Lorna bola dávno sólový album, a okolo tejto piesne, postupne myšlienka sa objavila na albume v všeobecnú tému živote ženy, s každou piesňou, ktoré dokladajú niektoré uzlové skúsenosti. Lorna bol oboznámený s piesňami a natočila každú stopu ako priama predstavenie, zatiaľ čo na Hugov basová linka Aiden a Colin položil iba základné akord sekvencie, nazdobený o Qualey gitarovú mágii. Na jednej dráhe počujeme husle John Sheahan, presláveného huslistu s Dubliners, a na ďalšie harmonika Rogera Marriott.