
Noty $22.08


Piano Music By Female Composers. Sheet Music. Piano Solo. PF.


Piano Music By Female Composers. Noty. Piano Solo. PF.


For a long time the prejudice has prevailed that women cannot compose, since they allegedly lack the requisite creative talent. It is indeed true that they have been less active in the field of musical composition than their male contemporaries, but reasons for this can be found in the social circumstances of the still recent past. In the late eigtheenth and nineteenth centuries, the ages of the Enlightenment and the highflowering of great achievement in music, women were denied the education and encouragement which would have made possible individual accomplishment beyond the limits of domestic music making. In spite of these hindrances there were highly gifted women who overcame the hurdless and were able to submit their talent for composition to proof. Of course these belonged to the well-to-do middle and upper classes, or were women from musical families who were able to receive a thorough training. This selection, comprising 19 women composers from eight countries, cannot claim to be completely representative, both because there is as yet no systematic catalogue of the autographs and printed editions in archives an libraries and because it is limited to the period from the eighteenth century to the present. Yet the editiors are convinced that the present publication is worthwhile and justified, and that each of the pieces can speak for itself. Women composers have made their way in the face of prejudice and opposition. they will now pursue that way amid a manifest change in society's view of women, and its attitude towards them.


Po dlhú dobu predsudok zvíťazil, že ženy nemôžu skladať, pretože údajne postrádajú potrebnú tvorivý talent. Je skutočne pravda, že oni boli menej aktívne v oblasti hudobnej kompozície, ako ich mužskí rovesníci, ale dôvody pre to možno nájsť v sociálnych okolností ešte nedávnej minulosti. V neskorých eigtheenth a devätnástom storočí, vo veku osvietenstva a highflowering o veľký úspech v hudbe, ženám bolo odopreté vzdelanie a povzbudenie, ktoré by boli umožnené individuálne úspech za hranicami domáceho muzicírovania. Cez tieto prekážky boli veľmi nadané ženy, ktorí prekonali hurdless a boli schopní predložiť svoj talent pre kompozíciu dôkazu. Samozrejme nich patrila strednej a vyššej triedy dobre-to-do, alebo boli ženy z hudobných rodín, ktorí boli schopní získať dôkladné školenie. Táto voľba, zahŕňajúci 19 žien skladateľa z ôsmich krajín, nemôže tvrdiť, že je úplne reprezentatívny, jednak preto, že tam je ako napriek tomu žiadny systematický katalóg na autogramy a tlačených vydanie v archívoch an knižníc a pretože je obmedzená na obdobie od osemnásteho storočia do prítomný. Yet the editiors are convinced that the present publication is worthwhile and justified, and that each of the pieces can speak for itself. Ženy skladatelia urobili ich cestu v tvári predsudkov a opozície. budú teraz sledovať takhle uprostred zjavné zmene pohľadu spoločenskom žien, a jeho postoj k nim.