
Noty $315.70


Novation. ZeRO SL MkII Midi Controller. Accessory.


Novation. ZERO SL MkII Midi Controller. Prídavný.


The ZeRO SL Mk II has been designed to give you complete control over your music making software. Novation have worked with each of the main DAW manufacturers to make sure each of the 56 knobs, faders and buttons control the things in your software that you need them to control. However, the really clever bit is that SL MkII can directly control your plug-in instruments and FX. The control surface is almost identical to the SL MkII keyboards, but it has longer throw faders. 60mm. and a central crossfader. Lightweight and bus powered, it is already a firm favourite with performers. Illuminated controls provide instant visual feedback - Brightly lit LED rings around the eight smooth encoders, and backlit buttons provide instant visual feedback. Giant 144-character LCD screen - Long LCD screen is large enough to show the name and value of entire rows of knobs, faders or buttons, instantly displaying what each control is assigned to. Huge array of touch-sensitive controls - Touch any knob or fader and all information. name and value of whatever it is controlling. will appear on the LCD screen above it. Automap 3 PRO Control Software - SL Mk II comes with Automap software which enables you to instantly map software parameters to faders, buttons, knobs. encoders and pots. and other controllers.


The ZeRO SL Mk II has been designed to give you complete control over your music making software. Novation pracovali s každou z hlavných výrobcov DAW, aby sa ubezpečil, každý z 56 gombíky, fadery a tlačidlá ovládajú veci vo vašom softvér, ktorý budete potrebovať na ovládanie. However, the really clever bit is that SL MkII can directly control your plug-in instruments and FX. The control surface is almost identical to the SL MkII keyboards, but it has longer throw faders. 60mm. and a central crossfader. Lightweight and bus powered, it is already a firm favourite with performers. Osvetlené ovládacie prvky poskytujú okamžitú vizuálnu spätnú väzbu - jasne osvetlené LED kruhy okolo ôsmich hladko snímačov a podsvietené tlačidlá umožňujú okamžitú vizuálnu spätnú väzbu. Giant 144 znakov LCD displej - Long LCD displej je dostatočne veľký, aby obsahovali názov a hodnotu celých radov gombíky, fadery a tlačidlá, okamžite zobrazovanie, čo každý ovládací prvok je priradený. Obrovská rada kontrol dotykovými - Stlačením žiadny gombík alebo fader a všetky informácie. názov a hodnotu, čo sa ovláda. sa zobrazí na LCD displeji nad ním. Automáp 3 PRO Control Software - SL Mk II je dodávaný s automapy softvér, ktorý vám umožní okamžite mapový softvér parametre fader, gombíky, gombíky. kódery a hrnce. a ďalšie regulátory.