
Noty $3.55


Philip Glass. Knee Play 5. Einstein On The Beach. Sheet Music. Violin. Organ. VLN. ORG. Philip Glass.


Philip Glass. Knee Play 5. Einstein On The Beach. Noty. Husle. Varhany. VLN. ORG. Philip Glass.


Einstein On The Beach , the opera from which Knee Play 5 was extracted, was a seminal work that broke all the rules, being non-linear, non-narrative, episodic, dreamlike and five hours long. Knee Play 5 is one of the number songs composed for scene changes, using numbers and solfege syllables as text. American composer Philip Glass is widely known as one of the most celebrated, influential and prolific of the modern composers. He is frequently referred to as a minimalist, though he prefers to call himself a composer of ‘music with repetitive structures. Glass ' operas, among them the renowned Einstein On The Beach , are performed across the globe, and he has created work for small and large ensembles, film and experimental theatre, and founded his own performing group, The Philip Glass Ensemble. This four minute piece is the fifth Knee Play from Einstein On The Beach and is scored for SA chorus, Violin and Organ.


Einstein na pláži, opera z ktorých Knee Play 5 sa extrahuje, bol vplyvné dielo, ktorý porušil všetky pravidlá, je nelineárny, non-rozprávanie, epizodické, snový do piatich hodín dlhý. Knee Play 5 je jedným z číselných piesní zložených zmeny scény, pomocou čísel a Solfege slabiky ako text. Americký skladateľ Philip Glass je široko známy ako jeden z najslávnejších, vplyvný a plodný moderných skladateľov. On je často odvolával sa na ako minimalistický, ale radšej zavolať sám skladateľ "hudby s opakovanými štruktúrami. Skleníkové "opery, medzi nimi aj preslávený Einstein On The Beach, sa vykonáva po celom svete, a on vytvoril dielo pre malé i veľké súbory, film a experimentálneho divadla, a založil vlastnú skupinu hrať, Philip Glass Ensemble. This four minute piece is the fifth Knee Play from Einstein On The Beach and is scored for SA chorus, Violin and Organ.