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Albert Ketelbey. In A Monastery Garden. Simplified Edition, Piano. Sheet Music. Piano. PF. Albert W. Ketèlbey.


Albert Ketelbey. V kláštore záhrade. Simplified Edition, Piano. Noty. Plán. PF. Albert W. Ketèlbey.


Composer and arranger Albert W Ketèlbey is now almost unknown except for his work Bells Across the Meadows, but until the time of the Second World War, he strode the country’s musical stage like a giant of light musical entertainment. In 1929, he was declared ‘Britain’s greatest composer’ according to the number of performances of his works. Over the course of his career, he was a church Organist, musical director at London’s Vaudeville Theatre, editor to several music publishing firms and Music Director of the Columbia Gramophone Company. His most popular works are a series of Orchestral tone poems, like this one based on a verse from his own poem, In a Monastery Garden. The simplified version was prepared by the composer.


Skladateľ a aranžér Albert W Ketèlbey je teraz takmer neznáma, s výnimkou pre jeho prácu Bells cez lúky, ale až do doby druhej svetovej vojny, vykročil hudobné javisko krajiny ako obrie svetla hudobnej zábavy. V roku 1929 bol vyhlásený za "Najväčší britský skladateľ" podľa počtu predstavení jeho diela. Počas svojej kariéry bol organista kostola, hudobné riaditeľ v londýnskom divadle Vaudeville, editor niekoľko hudobných vydavateľstiev firiem a hudobného riaditeľa Columbia Gramophone Company. His most popular works are a series of Orchestral tone poems, like this one based on a verse from his own poem, In a Monastery Garden. The simplified version was prepared by the composer.
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