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Bring Me To Life by Evanescence. - Digital Guitar Tab.Preklad
Bring Me To Life od Evanescence. - Digital Guitar Tab.Originál
Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Guitar Tab. Guitar TAB. Voice 2, range. E5-E6. MN0044844. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Bring Me To Life. Evanescence. E Minor. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Rated 4.5. 5 based on 3 customer reviews. Quite a good arrangement, but it does not have the instrumental or words for the semi-rap bit of the song. see all reviews. How can you see into my eyes like open doors lead ing you down into my core where I've become so numb without a soul. e Minor. Song. Soundtrack. Moderately. q 96. Movie. TV. Alternative Metal. Goth-Rock. Post-Grunge. Amy Lee. Ben Moody. David Hodges. 2002. Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.. Daredevil. Original Soundtrack. Evanescence - Fallen. Fallen - Evanescence. View All.Preklad
Plán. Vokálne. Gitara. Guitar Tab. Guitar TAB. Hlas 2, rozsah. E5, E6. MN0044844. Obsahuje kompletné texty. Kompatibilný. Bring Me To Life. Miznutie. E Minor. Musicnotes Čo to je. Musicnotes File. Okamžite na vytlačenie digitálny notový záznam a interaktívne, na stiahnutie noty súborov PC kompatibilné. Menovitý 4.5. 5 na základe 3 hodnotení zákazníkov. Celkom dobrá dohoda, ale to nemá inštrumentálne alebo slová pre semi-rap kúsok piesne. Zobraziť všetky recenzie. Ako môžete vidieť do mojich očí, ako sú otvorené dvere vedú vás ing dole do môjho vnútra, kde som sa stala tak krehká bez duše. e Minor. Pieseň. Zvuková stopa. Stredne. 96 q. Film. Televízie. Alternative Metal. Goth-rock. Post-Grunge. Amy Lee. Ben Moody. David Hodges. 2002. Alfred Publishing Co, Inc. Odvážlivec. Original Soundtrack. Evanescence - Fallen. Fallen - Evanescence. Zobraziť všetko.Obľúbené žiadosti