
Noty $15.71


Turn It Up And Lay It Down - Volume 1. CD. Drums. DRUMS.


Turn It Up A Lay It Down - Volume 1. CD. Bubny. DRUMS.


A must own collection for every serious drummer that wants to learn how to play well with others. This series covers a wide range of musical styles from Rock to Jazz and Latin. Afro-Cuban to Funk and Heavy Metal. These tools are invaluable for the student who can't seem to find available band mates at the drop of a hat. With Turn It Up And Lay It Down , you are the drummer on the song. so you have the flexibility and freedom to create innumerable beats with the Bass, Guitar, and Horn lines without feeling confined by a previously recorded drum performance. This CD offers 20 different Bass lines and a click track. Every drummer knows how important it is to be able to lock in with the Bass player. Well now you can finally work on this skill over and over at your own pace. This CD allows you to be as creative as you can and develop your own style while playing deep inside the pocket. These are real Bass players to jam with - top session guys playing Electric and Upright grooves in funk, rock, shuffle blues, swing, fast bop, and Latin styles.


Musí vlastniť kolekciu pre každého vážneho bubeníka, ktorý sa chce naučiť, ako hrať dobre s ostatnými. Tento rad zahŕňa širokú škálu hudobných štýlov od rocku až po džez a latinčinu. Afro-kubánsky na Funk a Heavy Metal. Tieto nástroje sú neoceniteľné pre študentov, ktorí nemôžu sa mi nájsť voľné spoluhráča v poklese klobúku. S Turn It Up A Lay It Down, ste bubeník na pieseň. takže budete mať flexibilitu a voľnosť pri vytváraní nespočetných beaty s líniou Bass, gitara, a Horn bez pocitu vymedzená predtým zaznamenané vystúpenie bubna. This CD offers 20 different Bass lines and a click track. Every drummer knows how important it is to be able to lock in with the Bass player. Well now you can finally work on this skill over and over at your own pace. This CD allows you to be as creative as you can and develop your own style while playing deep inside the pocket. These are real Bass players to jam with - top session guys playing Electric and Upright grooves in funk, rock, shuffle blues, swing, fast bop, and Latin styles.