Noty $3.50
13. Jason Robert Brown. Choir sheet music.Preklad
13. Jason Robert Brown. Zbor noty.Originál
13. Choral Highlights from the Broadway Musical. Composed by Jason Robert Brown. Arranged by Roger Emerson. For Choral. 2-Part. Broadway Choral. 56 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.8621833. Evan has six weeks to go before he turns 13, and after an idyllic childhood in New York City, he's just been uprooted and brought to Appleton, Indiana with his mother. He has one mission. get all the cool kids in school to come to his Bar Mitzvah, or else spend the rest of his academic career banished to the land of the Geeks. 13 is a show about finding out who you are, finding out what you need, and finding out what's really important. In this 14-minute medley, choirs will enjoy both the angst and the excitement of this pivotal time of growing up. Songs include. All Hail the Brain, Bad Bad News, Brand New You, Getting Ready, The Lamest Place in the World, A Little More Homework, Thirteen, What It Means to Be a Friend. Available separately. SATB, 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part, ShowTrax CD. Rhythm Section parts available as a digital download. syn, gtr 1-2, b, dm. Duration. ca. 14. 00. Getting Ready. Brand New You. Thirteen. Becoming A Man. What It Means To Be A Friend. All Hail The Brain. Terminal Illness. Bad Bad News. The Lamest Place In The World. A Little More Homework.Preklad
13. Zborové Najdôležitejšie z Broadway Musical. Skladá sa Jason Robert Brown. Dohodol Roger Emerson. Pre zborového. 2-časť. Broadway Choral. 56 strán. Vydal Hal Leonard. HL.8621833. Evan má šesť týždňov na potrvá, než sa otočí 13, a po idylické detstvo v New Yorku, on je práve vykorenené a priviedol do Appleton, Indiana so svojou matkou. Má jednu misiu. Získajte všetky chladné deti v škole, aby sa k jeho bar micva, alebo stráviť zvyšok svojej akademickej kariéry vykázaný do krajiny mágov. 13 je relácia o to zistiť, kto ste, zistiť, čo je potrebné, a zistiť, čo je naozaj dôležité. V tejto 14-minútové zmes, bude zbory tešiť aj na pocit úzkosti a vzrušenie z tejto hlavnej dobe dospievania. Piesne sú. All Hail s mozgom, Bad Bad News, Brand New You, Getting Ready, lamest miesto vo svete, A Little More domáce úlohy, Thirteen, čo to znamená byť priateľom. K dispozícii samostatne. SATB, 3-Part Mixed, 2-Part, ShowTrax CD. Rytmická sekcia diely sú k dispozícii ako digitálny download. syn, GTR 1-2, b, dm. Trvania. ca. 14. 00. PRÍPRAVA. Brand New You. Trinásť. Štát Man. Čo to znamená byť priateľom. All Hail The Brain. Terminal Illness. Bad Bad News. Lamest miesto na svete. A Little More Homework.Obľúbené žiadosti