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Guitar Tabsongs. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Guitar Tabsongs. Elektrická gitara noty.


Guitar Tabsongs. Popular Country for Flatpick. For Guitar. This edition. Guitar TAB. Guitar Method or Supplement. Guitar TAB. Country. Book. 46 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.WMB007. ISBN 0786670207. Country. The Guitar Tabsongs series is arranged for the beginning. intermediate guitarist. The arrangements can be easily played on nylon or steel string guitar and are written in standard notation and tablature. Perfect for anyone looking to increase their popular music instrumentals with great-sounding arrangements that are easy to play. Fifteen popular country favorites. Chattahoochee. Don't Rock the Jukebox. God Bless the U.S.A.. Guitars, Cadillacs. Liza Jane. My Maria. Nothing's Changed Here. South Side of Dixie. Take This Job and Shove It. Tempted. Thank God I'm a Country Boy. There's Your Trouble. This Time. A Thousand Miles from Nowhere. The Thunder Rolls. Chattahoochee. Don't Rock the Jukebox. God Bless the U.S.A. Guitars, Cadillacs. Liza Jane. My Maria. Nothing's Changed Here. South Side Of Dixie. Take This Job and Shove It. Tempted. Thank God I'm a Country Boy. There's Your Trouble. This Time. A Thousand Miles from Nowhere. The Thunder Rolls.


Guitar Tabsongs. Popular Country for Flatpick. Pre gitaru. Toto vydanie. Guitar TAB. Guitar Method alebo doplnok. Guitar TAB. Krajiny. Kniha. Počet strán: 46. Vydal Alfred Music. AP.WMB007. ISBN 0786670207. Krajiny. The Guitar Tabsongs series is arranged for the beginning. stredná gitarista. The arrangements can be easily played on nylon or steel string guitar and are written in standard notation and tablature. Perfect for anyone looking to increase their popular music instrumentals with great-sounding arrangements that are easy to play. Fifteen popular country favorites. Chattahoochee. Nepoužívajte Rock Jukebox. Boh žehnaj U.S.A.. Gitary, Cadillacs. Liza Jane. Môj Maria. Nič sa nezmenilo tu. South Side of Dixie. Take This Job and Shove It. Pokušenie. Ďakujem Bohu, že som chlapec krajiny. K dispozícii je Váš Trouble. Tentoraz. A Thousand Miles odnikiaľ. Thunder Rolls. Chattahoochee. Nepoužívajte Rock Jukebox. Boh žehnaj U.S.. Gitary, Cadillacs. Liza Jane. Môj Maria. Nič sa nezmenilo tu. South Side Of Dixie. Take This Job and Shove It. Pokušenie. Ďakujem Bohu, že som chlapec krajiny. K dispozícii je Váš Trouble. Tentoraz. A Thousand Miles odnikiaľ. Thunder Rolls.