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Irish Session Tunes - The Red Book. Fiddle sheet music. Violin sheet music.


Írskej Session Tunes - Red Book. Fiddle noty. Husle noty.


Irish Session Tunes - The Red Book. 100 Irish Dance Tunes and Airs. Edited by Matt Cranitch. For Fiddle. Music Sales America. Irish, Folk, Celtic. 48 pages. Ossian Publications #OMB142. Published by Ossian Publications. HL.14016245. ISBN 190042861X. Irish, Folk, Celtic. 8.25x11.75 inches. This series contains over 100 Irish dance tunes and airs in each volume. The collections contain a varied selection of widely played and lesser-known tunes, divided into different dance rhythms, and then sorted into sets of similar tunes to be played at Irish sessions. The range of the tunes are particularly suitable for the fiddle, but can be used on other instruments. The “red book” includes 100 tunes, separated into double jigs, slides, slip jigs, polkas, reels, hornpipes, set dances and airs. Songs include. Father O'Flynn. The Lucky Penny. Dan O'Keeffe's Slide. The Blue Ribbon. The Pigeon on the Gate. Master Crowley. Fallon's Hornpipe. The Blackbird. and more. A Raibh Tu Ag An Gcarraig. All Hands Around. An Buachaill Caol Dubh. Andy McGann's Reel. Ballymanus Fair. Brennan's Favourite. Connie O'Connell's Jig. Cross The Fence. Dan Coakley's Polka. Danny Ab's Slide. Din Tarrant's Polka. Din Tarrant's Polka. Dinny O'Brien's. Eileen O'callagahan's Reel. Fallon's Hornpipe. Far From Home. Farewell To Whiskey. Father Dollard's Hornpipe. Father Of O'flynn. Hardiman The Fiddler. Higgin's Hornpipe. Jenny's Welcome To Charlie. Johnny Murphy's Slide. Lord Gordon. Madam Bonaparte. Master Crowley. Matt Teehan's Polka. Maurice Manley's Polka. Mich Duggan's Polka. Mich Duggan's Polka. Mich Duggan's Polka. Michael Murphy's Slide. Munster buttermilk. Na Connerys. Nell O'sullivan's Slide. O'Dowd's Favourite. Paddy Ryan's Dream. Padraig O'keeffe's Polka. Padraig O'keeffe's Slide. Petticoat Loose. Plearaca Na Ruarcach. Port And Deorai. Pretty Maggie Morrissey. Rattigan's Reel. Saint Patrick's Day. Sean Reid's Reel. Taimse Im Choladh. Tell Her I Am. The Ballydesmond Polka. The Banks Of Lough Gowna. The Bantry Lasses. The Blackbird. The Blue Ribbon. The Boys Of Ballysodare. The Boys Of Malin. The Broken Pledge. The Bunch of Keys. The Cappamore Polka. The Congress. The Crib Of Perches. The Cuil Aodha Slide. The Dingle Regatta. The Eavesdropper. The Foxhunter's Jig. The Frost Is All Over. The Galway Hornpipe. The Geese In The Bog. The Gleanntan Slide. The Gullane Jig. The High Road To Linton. The Humours Of Lisheen. The Humours of Scariff. The Irish Giant. The Job Of Journeywork. The Killavil Reel. The Knocknaboul Polka. The Knocknaboul Polka. The Lucky Penny. The Maid Behind The Bar. The Merry Old Woman. The Monsignor's Blessing. The New Policeman. The New Roundabout. The Pigeon On The Gate. The Price Of My Pig. The Providence Reel. The Roscommon Reel. The Sligo Maid. The Sporting Pitchfork. The Stack of Wheat. The Toormore Slide. The Tullagh Reel. The Volunteer. The Wild Irishman. The Wise Maid. Tripping Up The Stairs. Up And About In The Morning. Walsh's Hornpipe. Willie Coleman's Jig.


Írskej Session Tunes - Red Book. 100 Irish Dance Tunes a afektovane správanie. Zmenené Matt Cranitch. Pre Fiddle. Music Sales Amerika. Irish, Folk, Celtic. 48 strán. Ossian Publications #OMB142. Vydal Ossian Publikácie. HL.14016245. ISBN 190042861X. Irish, Folk, Celtic. 8.25x11.75 palcov. Táto rada obsahuje viac než 100 írske tanečné melódie a vysiela v každom objeme. Zbierky obsahujú pestrý výber široko hral a menej známych melódií, rozdelených do rôznych tanečných rytmov, a potom triedené do sád podobné melódie bude hrať na írskych zasadnutí. Rozsah melódie sú obzvlášť vhodné pre husle, ale môže byť použitý na iné nástroje. "Red Book" obsahuje 100 melódií, oddelené do dvojitých prípravkov, šmykľavky, protišmykové prípravky, poliek, navijaky, starých ľudových tancov, sada tanca a afektovane správanie. Piesne sú. Otec O'Flynn. Lucky Penny. Dan O'Keeffe je Slide. Modrá stuha. Holub na bráne. Majster Crowley. Fallon Hornpipe. Blackbird. a viac. A Raibh Tu Ag An Gcarraig. All Hands Around. Buachaille Caol Dubh. Andy McGann's Reel. Ballymanus Fair. Brennan's Favourite. Connie O'Connell's Jig. Cross The Fence. Dan Coakley's Polka. Danny Ab's Slide. Din Tarrant je Poľka. Din Tarrant je Poľka. Dinny O'Brien. Eileen O'callagahan's Reel. Fallon Hornpipe. Far From Home. Rozlúčka s whisky. Otec Dollard v Hornpipe. Father Of O'flynn. Hardiman Fidlikant. Higgin v Hornpipe. Jenny Welcome To Charlie. Johnny Murphy's Slide. Lord Gordon. Pani Bonaparte. Majster Crowley. Matt Teehan's Polka. Maurice Manley je Poľka. Mich Duggan je Poľka. Mich Duggan je Poľka. Mich Duggan je Poľka. Michael Murphy's Slide. Munster cmar. Na Connerys. Nell O'sullivan's Slide. O'Dowd's Favourite. Paddy Ryan sen. Padraig O'keeffe's Polka. Padraig O'keeffe's Slide. Spodnička Loose. Plearaca Na Ruarcach. Port And Deorai. Docela Maggie Morrissey. Rattigan's Reel. Deň svätého Patricka. Sean Reid's Reel. Taimse Im Choladh. Povedz jej, že ja som. Ballydesmond Polka. Brehu Lough gown. V Bantry Lasses. Blackbird. Modrá stuha. The Boys Of Ballysodare. Chlapci z Malin. Broken Pledge. Bunch of Keys. The Cappamore Polka. Kongres. Detská postieľka z bidielka. The Cuil Aodha Slide. The Dingle Regatta. Eavesdropper. The Foxhunter je Jig. Frost je všade. Galway Hornpipe. Husi In The Bog. The Gleanntan Slide. The Gullane Jig. High Road To Linton. The Humours Of Lisheen. The Humours of Scariff. The Irish Giant. Úlohou Journeywork. The Killavil Reel. Knocknaboul Polka. Knocknaboul Polka. Lucky Penny. Maid Behind The Bar. Merry Old Woman. The Monsignor's Blessing. Nový policajt. The New Roundabout. Holub na bráne. Cena Of My Pig. The Providence Reel. Roscommon Reel. Sligo Maid. Sporting Pitchfork. Stack z pšenice. The Toormore Slide. The Tullagh Reel. Dobrovoľník. Divoký Ir. Wise Maid. Vypínacia hore po schodoch. Up And About In The Morning. Walsh's Hornpipe. Willie Coleman's Jig.