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Revved Up and Ready to Go. Book.


Zavyl a pripravený ísť. Kniha.


Revved Up and Ready to Go. Book. An Easy-to-sing, Easy-to-stage Kids' Musical about the Race of Your Life. Composed by Heidi Petak. This edition. Paperback. Musical. Multicultural and Sacred. Book. 56 pages. Duration 18 minutes. Published by Lillenas Publishing Company. LP.9780834177437. ISBN 9780834177437. Multicultural and Sacred. Revved Up and Ready to Go is a fun, fast-paced 22-minute musical that challenges your kids and your audience to get their hearts ready for the race of their lives. Driven by a car-racing theme, the storyline begins with revving up and ends at the.


Zavyl a pripravený ísť. Kniha. Easy-to-spievať, Easy-to-fáze Kids 'Musical o Race of Your Life. Skladá sa Heidi Peták. Toto vydanie. Brožovaná. Hudobné. Multikultúrnej a Sacred. Kniha. 56 strán. Doba trvania 18 minút. Vydal Lillenas nakladateľstvo. LP.9780834177437. ISBN 9780834177437. Multikultúrnej a Sacred. Revved Up and Ready to Go is a fun, fast-paced 22-minute musical that challenges your kids and your audience to get their hearts ready for the race of their lives. Driven by a car-racing theme, the storyline begins with revving up and ends at the.