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Purcell. Chacony. Chaconne. in G minor Z730 arr. recorder quintet. Henry Purcell. Recorder sheet music.Preklad
Purcell. CHACON. Chaconne. g moll Z730 arr. záznamník kvintet. Henry Purcell. Recorder noty.Originál
Purcell. Chacony. Chaconne. in G minor Z730 arr. recorder quintet composed by Henry Purcell. 1659-1695. Arranged by Ray Thompson. Baroque Period,Renaissance,Early Music,Sacred,Wedding. Performance. Published by RayThompsonMusic. S0.27647. The Chacony in G minor is one of Purcell's best known pieces. It dates from sometime around 1680 – which means he'd have been all of 21 when he composed it. It's based on a freely varied descending tetrachord which technically makes it a passacaglia rather than a chaconne. 'chacony' is just an anglicisation of the French word. and was written to accompany dancing, either at the court or in the theatre. Originally, written for strings and continuo, I have arranged it for recorder quintet. It lasts almost 6 minutes at crotchet80 and I have taken some small liberties with the parts. To enable the players to breath, the individual parts are spread amongst the 5 members of the quintet, and I have tried to avoid a tutti of all 5. The bass line moves between tenor and bass. An exciting piece of baroque music which works well for recorder consort. It is played on Sibelius software. You can now purchase MP3s for download from Sheet Music Plus. You'll find a variety of MP3s from instrumental play alongs to choral accompaniment tracks to great new music from emerging and established artists. After purchase, you can download your MP3 from your Sheet Music Plus Digital Library - no software installation is necessary. You can also listen to your MP3 at any time in your Digital Library.Preklad
Purcell. CHACON. Chaconne. g moll Z730 arr. recorder quintet composed by Henry Purcell. 1659-1695. Dohodol Ray Thompson. Baroque Period,Renaissance,Early Music,Sacred,Wedding. Výkon. Vydal RayThompsonMusic. S0.27647. The Chacony in G minor is one of Purcell's best known pieces. It dates from sometime around 1680 – which means he'd have been all of 21 when he composed it. It's based on a freely varied descending tetrachord which technically makes it a passacaglia rather than a chaconne. 'chacony' is just an anglicisation of the French word. and was written to accompany dancing, either at the court or in the theatre. Originally, written for strings and continuo, I have arranged it for recorder quintet. It lasts almost 6 minutes at crotchet80 and I have taken some small liberties with the parts. To enable the players to breath, the individual parts are spread amongst the 5 members of the quintet, and I have tried to avoid a tutti of all 5. The bass line moves between tenor and bass. An exciting piece of baroque music which works well for recorder consort. It is played on Sibelius software. Teraz môžete zakúpiť MP3 na stiahnutie noty Plus. Nájdete tu rad MP3 z inštrumentálnych hrania Alongs na chorálová sprievodné stopy na skvelej novej hudby z rozvíjajúcich sa a zavedených umelcov. Po zakúpení, môžete si stiahnuť MP3 z vášho noty Plus digitálnej knižnice - bez nutnosti inštalácie software je potrebný. Môžete tiež počúvať MP3 kedykoľvek v digitálnom knižnici.Obľúbené žiadosti