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Children's Songs. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.Preklad
Detské piesne. Rôzny. C Instrument noty. Klavírny noty. Začiatok.Originál
Children's Songs composed by Various. For C Instruments. Hal Leonard Paperback Songs. Melodies, lyrics, and chords in a convenient format. Children's. Difficulty. easy-medium. Fakebook. leadsheet notation. Vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and leadsheet notation. 255 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240149. ISBN 0634012266. With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names and leadsheet notation. Children's. 4.2x6.7 inches. 186 big hits for kids, all in a pocket-sized collection. Includes. A-Tisket A-Tasket. Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends. Do Your Ears Hang Low. The Farmer in the Dell. Hush, Little Baby. Jack and Jill. London Bridge. The Mulberry Bush. Polly Wolly Doodle. Rise and Shine. This Old Man. Zum Gali Gali. more. Includes melody lines, chords and lyrics, plus a section of guitar chord diagrams. A-Hunting We Will Go. Give Me Oil in My Lamp. I've Got Peace Like A River. Goober Peas. Michael Finnegan. A All Night All Day. The Sow Took The Measles. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. I'm Gonna Sing When The Spirit Says Sing. Great Day. Little Bitty Baby. I'm In The Lord's Army. Zacchaeus. Siyahamba. We Are Marching In The Light Of God. Alouette. Alphabet Song. Ho-Ho-Ho-Hosanna. Stop. And Let Me Tell You. Hallelu, Hallelujah. Father Abraham. I'll Be A Sunbeam. My Country, 'Tis Of Thee. America. The America Beautiful. All Things Bright and Beautiful. Oh, Be Careful. Sleep, Baby, Sleep. The Mermaid. This Little Light Of Mine. 2nd Tune. Cinderella, Dressed In Yellow. Mrs. Murphy's Chowder. Animal Fair. A-Tisket A-Tasket. Go Tell Aunt Rhody. The Ole Grey Goose Is Dead. Baa Baa Black Sheep. Barnyard Song. Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Friends. The Bear Went Over The Mountain. Bingo. The B-I-B-L-E. The Blue Tail Fly. Jimmy Crack Corn. Lullaby. Cradle Song. Buffalo Gals. Won't You Come Out Tonight. Cider Through A Straw. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. Climb Up Sunshine Mountain. The Crawdad Song. Did You Ever See A Lassie. Down By The Station. The Drunken Sailor. Eensy Weensy Spider. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Frere Jacques. Are You Sleeping. Frog Went A-Courtin'. Cindy. God Is So Good. Goodbye, Old Paint. Good News. Good Night Ladies. Goosey, Goosey Gander. Grandfather's Clock. The Grey Goose. The Hail, Hail Gang's All Here. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Hey Diddle Diddle. Hey, Ho. Nobody Home. Hickory Dickory Dock. Home on the Range. Hot Cross Buns. Humpty Dumpty. Hush, Little Baby. I've Been Working On The Railroad. It's Raining, It's Pouring. Jack And Jill. Jesus Loves The Little Children. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Joshua. Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Kum Ba Yah. Lavender's Blue. Lazy Mary, Will You Get Up. Little Bo-Peep. Little Boy Blue. Little David, Play On Your Harp. Little Jack Horner. Looby Loo. Little Miss Muffet. London Bridge. The Man On The Flying Trapeze. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. The Mulberry Bush. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Ach Du Lieber Augustin. O My Dearest Augustine. Oats, Peas, Beans And Barley Grow. Oh Dear. What Can The Matter Be. Oh, How I Love Jesus. O How I Love Jesus. Oh. Susanna. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone. Old Dan Tucker. The Old Gray Mare. Old Joe Clark. Old King Cole. Oleanna. On Top of Old Smoky. Over the River and Through the Woods. Pay Me My Money Down. Peanut Sat On A Railroad Track. Pease Porridge Hot. Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater. Polly Put The Kettle On. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pop Goes the Weasel. A Praise Himll Ye Little Children. Raise A Ruckus Tonight. Reuben And Rachel. Rig-A-Jig Jig. Ring Around The Rosie. Rise And Shine. Rock-A-Bye, Baby. Rock-A-My Soul. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Sailing, Sailing. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. She'll Be Comin' 'Round The Mountain. Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me. Simple Simon. Simple Gifts. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Skip to My Lou. Sourwood Mountain. Stewball. Ten Little Indians. There's A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea. White Coral Bells. This Little Light of Mine. This Old Man. Three Blind Mice. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe. The Gospel Train. Yankee Doodle. Evening Prayer. The Fox. Jacob's Ladder. Git Along, Little Dogies. You're A Grand Old Flag. Zum Gali Gali. Do Your Ears Hang Low. Old Blue. The Paw Paw Patch. Dry Bones. How Dry I Am. Three Little Kittens. Oh How Lovely Is The Evening. Billy Barlow. Three Little Pigs. Where, O Where Is Dear Little Susie. One More River. The Tailor And The Mouse. Mister Rabbit. The Leatherwing Bat. Bulldog And The Bullfrog. Hey Lolly, Lolly. All God's Children Got Shoes. Down In My Heart. Scotland's Burning. Vine And Fig Tree. Animal Song. Bye, Baby Bunting. The Deer Song. Do As I'm Doing. Go In And Out The Village. The Monkey Song. The Muffin Man. The Old Hen Cackled. Roll Over. Run, Children, Run. Shake That Little Foot. There Was A Man And He Was Mad. The Tom, Tom Piper's Son. There's A Hole In The Bucket. Jesus Loves Me. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. I'm On My Way. The Farmer in the Dell. If You're Happy And You Know It. When The Saints Go Marching In.Preklad
Detských piesní zložil Rôzne. Pre C nástroje. Hal Leonard Paperback Songs. Melódie, texty a akordy vo vhodnom formáte. Detské. Obtiažnosť. easy-medium. Fakebook. leadsheet firmy. Vokálne melódie, texty, názvy akordov a leadsheet firmy. 255 strán. Vydal Hal Leonard. HL.240149. ISBN 0634012266. S vokálne melódie, texty, názvy akordov a leadsheet zápisu. Detské. 4.2x6.7 palcov. 186 veľké hity pre deti, všetko v kolekcii vreckové. Zahŕňa. -Tisket-Tasket. Be Kind na váš web-footed priateľmi. Páči sa Vaše uši Hang Low. Farmár v Dell. Hush Little baby. Jack a Jill. London Bridge. Mulberry Bush. Polly Wolly Doodle. Rise and Shine. This Old Man. Zum Gali Gali. viac. Zahŕňa melodickým linkám, akordy a texty, plus časť gitarové akordové diagramy. -Hunting We Will Go. Daj mi olej v mojom lampa. Ja som dostal izbu ako rieku. Goober Peas. Michael Finnegan. All Night All Day. Sow Vzal proti osýpkam. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Budem spievať Keď Duch hovorí Sing. Veľký deň. Malý Bitty dieťa. Ja som v armáde Pána. Zachej. Siyahamba. We Are Marching In The Light Of God. Škovránok. Abeceda Song. Ho-Ho-Ho-Hosana. Stop. A dovoľte mi povedať,. Hallel, Hallelujah. Otec Abrahám. Ja budem Sunbeam. My Country, 'Tis Thee. Amerika. America Beautiful. Všetky veci jasný a krásny. Oh, buďte opatrní. Spánok, Baby, Sleep. Mermaid. Tento malý Light Of Mine. 2. Nalaďte. Popoluška, oblečený v žltom. Pani Murphyho polievka. Animal Fair. -Tisket-Tasket. Ísť Povedz teta Rhody. Ole Grey Goose Is Dead. Baa Baa Black Sheep. Barnyard Song. Be Kind To Your Web-footed priateľmi. Medveď išiel cez horu. Loto. B-I-B-L-E. The Blue Tail Fly. Jimmy Crack Corn. Uspávanka. Cradle Song. Buffalo holky. Nebude You Come Out Tonight. Cider slamkou. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. Climb Up Sunshine Mountain. Crawdad Song. Už si niekedy Lassie. Down By The Station. Drunken Sailor. Eensy weensy Spider. Pre to Jolly Good Fellow. Frere Jacques. Ste Spacie. Frog Went A-Courtin ". Cindy. Boh je tak dobrý. Zbohom, starý náter. Good News. Dobrú noc Ladies. Goosey, Goosey Gander. Dedko hodiny. Grey Goose. Hail, Hail Gang je celý tu. Má celý svet vo svojich rukách. Ahoj Diddle Diddle. Ahoj, Ho. Nikto Home. Hickory Dickory Dock. Domov na rozsah. Hot Cross buchty. Humpty Dumpty. Hush Little baby. Pracoval som na železnici. Prší, leje. Jack a Jill. Ježiš miluje malé deti. John Jacob Schmidt Jingleheimer. Joshua. Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Kum Ba Jo. Lavender Blue. Lazy Mary, získate Up. Malý Bo-Peep. Little Boy modrá. Malý David, hrať na harfu. Malý Jack Horner. Looby Loo. Little Miss Muffet. London Bridge. Man On The Flying Trapeze. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Meet Me in St Louis, Louis. Michael Row The Boat breh. Mulberry Bush. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Ach, ty milý Augustín. O môj najdrahší Augustine. Ovos, hrach, fazuľa a jačmeň Grow. Pánajána. Čo môže vec. Oh, ako ja milujem Ježiša. O Ako milujem Ježiša. Ó. Susanna. Oh kde, Kde je preč My Little Dog. Old Dan Tucker. Old Gray Mare. Old Joe Clark. Old King Cole. Oleanna. Na začiatok Starého Smoky. Cez rieku a lesom. Pay Me My Money Down. Arašidy So Na trati. Pease kaša horúce. Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater. Polly Dajte kanvicu. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pop ide lasica. Chvála Himll Ye malé deti. Zdvihnite kravál Tonight. Reuben a Rachel. Rig-A-Jig Jig. Ring Around The Rosie. Rise and Shine. Rock-A-Bye Baby. Rock-moju dušu. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Plachtenie, Plachtenie. Mala na sebe Yellow Ribbon. Bude Comino '"Round The Mountain. KSA Fly, neobťažujte ma. Simple Simon. Jednoduché darčeky. Spievať pieseň šesťpencu. Prejsť na My Lou. Sourwood Mountain. Stewball. Ten Little Indians. Je tu Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea. White Coral Bells. Tento malý Light of Mine. This Old Man. Tri Blind myši. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Tam bol starý žena, ktorá žila v topánke. Gospel Train. Yankee Doodle. Večerná modlitba. Fox. Jákobov rebrík. Git Along, Little Dogies. Si veľký Old Flag. Zum Gali Gali. Páči sa Vaše uši Hang Low. Starý modrý. Paw Paw Patch. Suché Bones. Ako Dry I Am. Tri malé mačiatka. Ach, aký krásny je večer. Billy Barlow. Tri malé prasiatka. Kde, ó Kde je drahá Susie. One More River. Tailor a myš. Pán Králik. Leatherwing Bat. Bulldog a Bullfrog. Ahoj Lolly, Lolly. Všetky Božie deti Got topánky. V mojom srdci. Škótsko je Burning. Vine A Fig Tree. Animal Song. Zbohom, baby strnádka. Deer Song. Páči sa Ako robím. Choď dovnútra a von Village. Monkey Song. Muffin Man. Old Hen zachechtal. Prevrátiť. Beh, Deti, Run. Shake That LITTLE FOOT. Tam bol muž, a on bol šialený. Tom, Tom Piper Syn. Je tu Hole In The Bucket. Jesus Loves Me. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Ja som On My Way. Farmár v Dell. Ak ste spokojní a viete, že to. Keď Saints Go Marching V.Obľúbené žiadosti
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