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Last Man Standing. Jerry Lee Lewis. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.Preklad
Last Man Standing. Jerry Lee Lewis. Klavír, spev, gitara noty. Hlas noty. Gitara noty.Originál
Last Man Standing. Piano. Vocal. Chords. By Jerry Lee Lewis. For voice, piano and guitar. chords only. This edition. Piano. Vocal. Chords. Artist. Personality. Personality Book. Piano. Vocal. Chords. Rock 'n' Roll. Songbook. Vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 112 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.27513. ISBN 0739045040. With vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Rock 'n' Roll. 9x12 inches. Alfred is pleased to present the album-matching folio for Jerry Lee Lewis' 2006 release Last Man Standing. This album features Jerry Lee Lewis doing duets of classic songs with some of the greatest rock & roll musicians in the world. This book provides the lyrics along with piano and chord arrangements for all the songs on the record. Rock and Roll. Before the Night is Over. Pink Cadillac. Evening Gown. You Don't Have to Go. Twilight. Travelin' Band. That Kind of Fool. Just a Bummin' Around. Honky Tonk Women. What's Made Milwaukee Famous. Don't Be Ashamed of You Age. A Couple More Years. Old Glory. Trouble In Mind. I Saw Her Standing There. Lost Highway. Hadacohl Boogie. The Irish Heart Beat. The Pilgrim. Chapter 33.Preklad
Last Man Standing. Plán. Vokálne. Akordy. Jerry Lee Lewis. Pre hlas, klavír a gitaru. akordy iba. Toto vydanie. Plán. Vokálne. Akordy. Umelec. Osobnosť. Osobnosť Book. Plán. Vokálne. Akordy. Rock 'n' Roll. Songbook. Vokálne melódie, texty, klavírny sprievod, názvy akordov a gitarové akordové diagramy. 112 strán. Vydal Alfred Music. AP.27513. ISBN 0739045040. S vokálne melódie, texty, klavírom, názvy akordov a gitarové akordové diagramy. Rock 'n' Roll. 9x12 palcov. Alfred je potešením predstaviť album, zodpovedajúce folio pre 2006 vydanie Last Man Standing Jerry Lee Lewis '. Tento album je vybavený Jerry Lee Lewis robí duety klasických piesní s niektorými z najväčších skaly. Táto kniha obsahuje texty spolu s klavír a akordové úprave všetkých piesní na zázname. Rock and Roll. Než noc skončí. Pink Cadillac. Večerné šaty. Nemusíte ísť. Súmrak. Travelin 'kapela. To Druh blázon. Len Bummin 'Around. Honky Tonk Women. Čo to robí Milwaukee Famous. Nenechajte sa hanbiť You veku. Pár viac rokov. Old Glory. Trouble In Mind. Videl som ju, ako stojí tam. Lost Highway. Hadacohl Boogie. Írsky Tlkot srdca. Pútnik. Kapitola 33.Obľúbené žiadosti