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The '60s. Various. C Instrument sheet music.Preklad
60.. Rôzny. C Instrument noty.Originál
The '60s. Paperback Songs. By Various. For C Instruments. Paperback Songs. Softcover. 256 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240241. ISBN 0634064193. 4.25x6.75 inches. Features 98 classic hits from the '60s. Alfie. All You Need Is Love. Baby Love. Big Girls Don't Cry. California Girls. Cherish. Crazy. Daydream Believer. I Heard It Through the Grapevine. It's My Party. Leaving on a Jet Plane. Moon River. My Girl. Respect. Spinning Wheel. So Nice. Summer Samba. Turn. Turn. Turn. and more. Crazy. Abraham, Martin And John. Runaway. Tell It Like It Is. All You Need Is Love. Stand By Me. Those Were The Days. Along Comes Mary. The Look Of Love. Soldier Boy. Respect. One Fine Day. Are You Lonesome Tonight. Baby Love. It's A. Beautiful Morning. Big Girls Don't Cry. Bread And Butter. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do. By The Time I Get To Phoenix. California Girls. Can't Help Falling in Love. Daydream Believer. Duke Of Earl. Fun, Fun, Fun. Gentle On My Mind. Georgia on My Mind. Georgy Girl. Go Away, Little Girl. A Groovy Kind Of Love. Hang On Sloopy. Happy Together. Harper Valley P.T.A. He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother. Hello Mary Lou. Help Me Rhonda. I Can't Stop Loving You. I Heard It Through the Grapevine. I Say A Little Prayer. I Will Follow Him. I Will Follow You. I Will Wait For You. I'm A Believer. If I Had A Hammer. The Hammer Song. It Must Be Him. It's My Party. It's Now Or Never. King Of The Road. Leader Of The Pack. Leaving On A Jet Plane. Let's Hang On. Limbo Rock. The Little Old Lady. From Pasadena. The Loco-motion. Louie, Louie. Music To Watch Girls By. My Boyfriend's Back. My Girl. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. Never My Love. On Broadway. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head. Release Me. Return To Sender. Save the Last Dance for Me. She Loves You. Sittin' On. The Dock Of The Bay. So Nice. Summer Samba. Soul Man. Spinning Wheel. Sugar, Sugar. Surfin' U.S.A. Teen Angel. There's A Kind Of Hush. All Over The World. Things. A Time For Us. Love Theme. The Twist. Twist And Shout. Under the Boardwalk. Up, Up And Away. Walk Like A Man. Walk Right In. Wedding Bell Blues. What a Wonderful World. What The World Needs Now Is Love. Where Have All The Flowers Gone. A Whiter Shade of Pale. Who Put The Bomp. In The Bomp Ba Bomp Ba Bomp. Windy. Wooly Bully. Bobby's Girl. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'. I Get Around. Travelin' Man. Cherish. Daydream. Stay. Good Vibrations. Groovin'. Cryin' In The Chapel.Preklad
60.. Brožované Songs. Tým Rôzne. Pre C nástroje. Brožované Songs. Softcover. 256 strán. Vydal Hal Leonard. HL.240241. ISBN 0634064193. 4.25x6.75 palca. Funkcia 98 klasických hitov z 60. rokov. Alfie. Všetko, čo potrebujete je láska. Baby Love. Big Girls nekričí. California Girls. Milovať. Šialený. Daydream Believer. Ja som počul to cez šepotom. Je to moja strana. Odchod na tryskovom lietadle. Moon River. My Girl. Rešpekt. Kolovrat. So Nice. Summer Samba. Zákruta. Zákruta. Zákruta. a viac. Šialený. Abrahám, Martin a John. Utiekli. Povedzte, ako to je. Všetko, čo potrebujete je láska. Stand By Me. To boli časy. Pozdĺž príde Mary. Pozrite Of Love. Soldier Boy. Rešpekt. Jedného dňa. Ste Lonesome Tonight. Baby Love. Je to. Krásne ráno. Big Girls nekričí. Chlieb a maslo. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do. V čase, keď som sa dostať do Phoenixu. California Girls. Nemožno Help Falling in Love. Daydream Believer. Duke Of Earl. Fun, Fun, Fun. Gentle On My Mind. Georgia on My Mind. Georgy Girl. Go Away, Little Girl. Groovy Kind Of Love. Hang On Sloopy. Spolu šťastní. Harper Valley P.T.. On nie je ťažký, on je môj brat. Hello Mary Lou. Pomôžte mi Rhonda. Nemôžem prestať milovať. Ja som počul to cez šepotom. Aj Say A Little Prayer. Budem ťa nasledovať ho. Budem ťa nasledovať. I Will Wait For You. Ja som Believer. Keby som mal kladivo. Hammer Song. On to musí byť. Je to moja strana. Je to teraz alebo nikdy. King Of The Road. Vodca svorky. Odchádzanie na tryskovom lietadle. Poďme Hang On. Limbo rock. The Little Old Lady. Od Pasadena. Loco-motion. Louie Louie. Hudba sa pozerať na holky. Môj priateľ je späť. My Girl. Na Na Hey Hey pobozkať na rozlúčku. Nikdy My Love. Na Broadwayi. Raindrops Keep Fallin 'On My Head. Release Me. Vrátiť odosielateľovi. Nežiadaj svoj posledný tanec pre mňa. Ona ťa miluje. Sedíš na. Dock Of The Bay. So Nice. Summer Samba. Duša Man. Kolovrat. Cukor, Cukor. Surfin 'U.S.. Teen Anjel. Je tu Kind Of Hush. All Over The World. Veci. Time For Us. Láska téma. Twist. Twist and Shout. Under the Boardwalk. Hore, hore a preč. Walk Like A Man. Prechádzka priamo v. Svadobné Bell Blues. Čo báječný svet. Čo potreby sveta teraz je láska. Tam, kde majú všetky Flowers Gone. Belšie Shade of Pale. Kto dal Bomp. V The Bomp Ba Bomp Ba Bomp. Veterný. Wooly Bully. Bobbyho Girl. Vy ste stratili to Lovin 'Feelin'. Aj Get Around. Travelin 'Man. Milovať. Snívať. Pobyt. Dobré Vibrácie. Groovin ". Plakať "In The Chapel.Obľúbené žiadosti