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Waking Up Laughing. Martina McBride. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.


Waking Up Laughing. Martina McBride. Klavír, spev, gitara noty. Hlas noty. Gitara noty. Stredná.


Waking Up Laughing. Piano. Vocal. Chords. By Martina McBride. For voice, piano and guitar. chords only. This edition. Piano. Vocal. Chords. Artist. Personality. Personality Book. Piano. Vocal. Chords. Personality Book. New traditionalist and contemporary country. SMP Level 5. Intermediate. Songbook. Vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 72 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.28402. ISBN 0739049054. With vocal melody, lyrics, piano accompaniment, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. new traditionalist and contemporary country. 9x12 inches. Martina McBride has been performing her vocally stunning country songs since 1992, when she performed the opening set for the legendary Garth Brooks after being discovered only two weeks prior. Her nine-album total makes her something of a country music legend, as do her nearly 50 top singles to hit the charts. A role model to her three young daughters at home, an idol to young stars like American Idol's Carrie Underwood, and winner of multiple awards from the Country Music Association and the Academy of Country Music, Martina's strong soprano voice continues to move country music fans across the nation. Alfred presents the album-matching folio to her latest album, Waking Up Laughing. The hit album debuted at the top of both the Top Country Albums chart and the Billboard 200 chart, and now you can play and sing along. Songs include lyrics, melody line, and chord changes with professionally arranged piano accompaniment. Seventh chords and melodies in both hands. More difficult note reading with ledger lines above and below the staff. If I had Your Name. Cry Cry. 'Til the Sun Shines. Tryin' to Find a Reason. For These Times. Anyway. How I Feel. I'll Still Be Me. Beautiful Again. Everybody Does. House of a Thousand Dreams. Love Land.


Waking Up Laughing. Plán. Vokálne. Akordy. Martina McBride. Pre hlas, klavír a gitaru. akordy iba. Toto vydanie. Plán. Vokálne. Akordy. Umelec. Osobnosť. Osobnosť Book. Plán. Vokálne. Akordy. Osobnosť Book. Nový tradicionista a moderné krajiny. SMP Level 5. Stredná. Songbook. Vokálne melódie, texty, klavírny sprievod, názvy akordov a gitarové akordové diagramy. 72 strán. Vydal Alfred Music. AP.28402. ISBN 0739049054. S vokálne melódie, texty, klavírom, názvy akordov a gitarové akordové diagramy. nové tradicionista a moderné krajiny. 9x12 palcov. Martina McBride vystupuje nej hlasno úžasné pesničky krajín od roku 1992, kedy vystúpila na úvodnú sadu pre legendárny Garth Brooks potom, čo bol objavený len dva týždne pred. Jej celková deväť-album je na nej niečo ako country legenda, rovnako ako jej takmer 50 top singlov udrieť do grafov. Vzorom pre svoje tri malé dcéry doma, idol mladých hviezd, ako je American Idol Carrie Underwood, a víťaz mnohých ocenení od Country Music Association a Akadémie country hudby, Martiny silný soprán pokračuje v pohybe krajiny hudobných fanúšikov po celom národ. Alfred predstavuje album zladenie folio na jej poslednom albume, Waking Up Laughing. Hit Album debutoval na vrchole oboch Top Country Albums grafu a Billboard 200 chart, a teraz môžete hrať a spievať. Piesne sú texty, melodické linky a zmeny akordov s profesionálne usporiadané sprievodom klavíra. Siedmej akordy a melódie v oboch rukách. Ťažšie poznámka čítanie s pomocných liniek nad a pod zamestnancov. Keby som mal Vaše meno. Cry Cry. 'Til slnko svieti. Snažím sa nájsť dôvod. U týchto časoch. V každom prípade. Ako sa cítim. Budem stále Me. Krásna opäť. Každý robí. House of Thousand snov. Láska Land.