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Fear Not Factor. CD Preview Pack. Dennis Allen. Choir sheet music. Beginning.


Fear Factor Nie. CD Ukážka balenia. Dennis Allen. Zbor noty. Začiatok.


Fear Not Factor. CD Preview Pack. arranged by Dennis Allen. For Unison. 2-part choir. Brentwood Choral. Sacred, Modern Christian, Christmas. Easy. CD preview pack. book and CD. Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.4575709551. The mission is clear- the time is now. Get set for the most spectacular and celestial adventure of all time as Mary, Joseph, and a few simple shepherds in Bethlehem encounter the wonder of the Fear Not Factor. The most epic event of all time has been established and all of heaven's angels are gearing up to fulfill what has been planned. Under the command of archangel Michael, the Heavenly Army has been commissioned to wing flight to earth and unveil God's most unexpected, miraculous and perfect plan. However, only one angel- the anxious and thrilled Gabriel- has been selected to make the actual announcement of the "Fear Not Factor" to a few choice people. Your children's choir will celebrate Christmas with enthusiasm and spirit like never before as they find themselves in the middle of what has the halls of heaven all a-buzz. Created by Dennis and Nan Allen, developers of the best-selling children's musicals, The First Leon and It All Happened In the Country, this fun-filled and inspirational 35-minute Christmas celebration for kids will be the highlight of your church's holiday season. After all- there's never been another night like the one that heaven and earth collided, as the Fear Not Factor pierced the starlit skies. Songs include. This Child Is Gonna. Rock Your World - All Is Well - Bring It On - Bring It On. Reprise. - Call Him Jesus - Fear Not - Gloria. - My Place.


Fear Factor Nie. CD Ukážka balenia. usporiadané Dennis Allen. Pre Unison. 2-dielna zbor. Brentwood Choral. Sacred, Moderné Christian, Christmas. Jednoduchý. CD Náhľad balenia. knihy a CD. Vydalo Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.4575709551. Misia je jasná, je teraz čas. Pripravte sa na najviac veľkolepé a nebeské dobrodružstvo všetkých čias as Máriou, Jozefom a niekoľkých jednoduchých pastierom v Betleheme narazí na zázrak Neboj sa faktor. Najviac epický udalosť všetkých čias bola založená a všetkých nebeských anjelov sa chystajú splniť to, čo bolo v pláne. Pod vedením archanjela Michaela, Nebeský armáda bola poverená krídla letu k zemi a odhaliť Božiu najviac nečakané, zázračné a dokonalý plán. Avšak, len jeden anjel, úzkosť a nadšenie Gabriel, bol vybraný, aby sa skutočné oznámenie o "Neboj sa faktor" na niekoľko vybraných ľudí. Vašich detský zbor oslávi Vianoce s nadšením a ducha, ako nikdy predtým, pretože sa ocitnú uprostred toho, čo má sály nebeskej všetko-Buzz. Vytvoril Dennis a Nan Allen, vývojári najpredávanejšie detské muzikály, prvý Leon a to všetko sa stalo v krajine, zábavnou a inšpiratívne 35 minút Vianočné oslava pre deti to bude vrcholom vašej cirkvi prázdnin. Koniec koncov, tam nikdy nebol ďalšiu noc, ako ten, ktorý nebesia a zem sa zrazil, ako Fear Factor nie je prepichnúť hviezdnu oblohu. Piesne sú. To dieťa je Gonna. Rock Your World - All Is Well - Bring It On - Bring It On. Obnova. - Zavolaj mu Ježiš - Neboj sa - Gloria. - My Place.