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Everything Is Beautiful. Ray Stevens. Choir sheet music.Preklad
Všetko je krásny. Ray Stevens. Zbor noty.Originál
Everything Is Beautiful composed by Ray Stevens. Arranged by Greg Gilpin. For Choral. SATB. Choral. 16 pages. Published by Shawnee Press. HL.35027647. This two-time GRAMMY winner from Ray Stevens is as perfect a message for today's generation as it was in the early '70s. With a gospel-feel, this piece includes a descant sung by a soloist, small group, or children's chorus, creating an anthem of love and peace with the message of understanding and acceptance. Available. SATB. SAB. 2-part.Preklad
Everything Is Beautiful skladá Ray Stevens. Dohodol Greg Gilpin. Pre zborového. SATB. Zborový. 16 strán. Vydal Shawnee Press. HL.35027647. Toto dva-merať Grammy víťaz Ray Stevens je perfektná správa pre dnešnú generáciu, ako to bolo na začiatku 70. rokov. S evanjelia-pocit, tento kus obsahuje soprán spieva sólovo, malé skupiny, alebo detský zbor, vytvára hymnu lásky a mieru so správou o pochopenie a prijatie. Dostupný. SATB. SAB. 2-časť.Obľúbené žiadosti