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Ready-to-Play Organist. Advent and Christmas. Kris Kropff. Organ Solo sheet music. Beginning.Preklad
Ready-to-Play Varhaník. Advent a Vianoce. Kris Kropff. Organový sólo noty. Začiatok.Originál
Ready-to-Play Organist. Advent and Christmas composed by Kris Kropff. For organ. 2-staff. Sacred, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany. Moderately easy. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company. LO.70-1418L. The Christmas season is one deeply rooted in rich traditions that extend to church and family and encompass everything from gatherings to meals to music, all demanding time, energy, and quality. It is for these times that the Lorenz tradition of providing accessible yet musically satisfying collections is ideally suited. In this newest offering of The Ready-to-Play Organist Series, we continue this time-honored tradition with practical arrangements of fourteen diverse selections ranging from well-known carols to classical transcriptions to an Epiphany original. Designed to help the in-demand organist through the busy Christmas season, we have included durations to aid with programming decisions. Registrations are also provided. Carol of the Bells. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. Joy To The World. Pastoral Symphony. Angels We Have Heard On High. Cradle Song. Twas in the Moon of Wintertime. Still Still Still. Hail To The Lords Anointed. On Christmas Night. O Come All Ye Faithful. To Follow the Star. O Come O Come Emmanuel. Come Thou Long Expected Jesus.Preklad
Ready-to-Play Varhaník. Advent a Vianoce zložený Kris Kropff. Pre organ. 2-zamestnanci. Sacred, Advent, Vianoce, Traja králi. Stredne ľahké. Vydal Lorenz nakladateľstvo. LO.70-1418L. Vianočné sezóna je hlboko zakorenený v bohatých tradíciách, ktoré siahajú do kostola a rodinou a zahŕňa všetko od stretnutia na jedle na hudbu, všetky náročné času, energie a kvality. To je pre túto dobu, že Lorenz tradície poskytovať dostupné napriek tomu hudobne, ktorý by spĺňal zbierky je ideálny. V tejto novej ponuky The Ready-to-Play organista série, budeme aj naďalej túto starodávnu tradíciu s praktickým usporiadaním štrnástich rôznych výberov od známych kolied s klasickými prepisy na Epiphany originálu. Ktorých cieľom je pomôcť organistu v vyžiadanie cez rušné obdobie Vianoc, sme zahrnuli trvanie na pomoc s rozhodnutím programovania. Registrácia sú tiež k dispozícii. Carol z Bells. To narazil na Midnight Clear. Joy To The World. Pastorálna symfónia. Angels sme počuli na vysokej. Cradle Song. TWAS v mesiaci zimnom. Still Still. Hail To The pomazaného. Na Štedrý večer. O Come All Ye Faithful. Ak chcete sledovať hviezdy. O Come O Come Emmanuel. Poďte si dlho očakávaný Ježiša.Obľúbené žiadosti