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Queen. Queen.


Kráľovná. Kráľovná.


Queen. The Complete Illustrated Lyrics. Book. Softcover. 390 pages. Published by Backbeat Books. HL.333226. ISBN 1617130133. 8.5x10.63 inches. In 2011, the world celebrated the 40th anniversary of Queen – one of the most innovative, glamorous, and influential bands in history. Over the course of the band's career, they have grossed 170 million album sales worldwide, have written 18 number one hits, and performed 700 concerts. While some acts enjoy a forte of incredible showmanship, a virtuoso instrumentalist, a strong, charismatic leader, or a prolific sole songwriter, Queen beholds all of these strengths. Although Freddie Mercury and Brian May are recognized as the prime songwriters, each of the members have penned number one hits, including classics such as “Bohemian Rhapsody”. Freddie Mercury. , “Another One Bites the Dust”. John Deacon. , “A Kind of Magic”. Roger Taylor. , and “We Will Rock You”. Brian May. The fates brought the four creative and cerebral youths together in London in 1971. Mercury was by then an established fine and graphic artist, May was enveloped in the study of astrophysics, Roger Taylor enrolled in dental school, and John studying electronics. Since then, they have made history with their sophisticated fusion of operatic expression, theatrical performance, symphonic melody, and raw rock-and-roll. Beginning with their debut Queen in 1973. EMI. Electra Records. , the band took the UK by storm, then conquered the United States along with rest of the world, serving as pioneers of stadium rock and enjoying commercial success and momentum well into the 1980s. marked by the famous Live Aid appearance in 1985. through the early 1990s. The whirlwind took a startling pause when singer Freddie Mercury passed away from AIDS on November 24, 1991. The living members have forged ahead and remain great music makers. The Complete Illustrated Lyrics is the first book of its kind. Never before has there been a complete Queen lyric book. The hundreds of images that accompany the songs range from handwritten lyrics to rare photographs from the stage to the studio. Also included is a complete discography, pairing each song to the album on which it was originally released. Designed by the band's longtime creative director, Richard Gray, the book is as true to the band as can be, carrying with it the flamboyance, expression, and depth that Queen embodies as writers and performers. If there is one book for a fan of the band to possess, this is the one. Party. You And I. I'm Going Slightly Mad. These Are The Days Of Our Lives. Headlong. The Show Must Go On. I Want It All. The Miracle. Innuendo. Breakthru. The Invisible Man. Love Of My Life. Liar. My Life Has Been Saved. You Don't Fool Me. Mother Love. A Winter's Tale. Let Me Live. Too Much Love Will Kill You. It's a Beautiful Day. Heaven For Everyone. Made In Heaven. I Was Born To Love You. Get Down, Make Love. Dreamer's Ball. Somebody to love. The Prophet's Song. Another One Bites The Dust. Jealousy. Save Me. Rock It 'Prime Jive'. Scandal. Bijou. The Hitman. Delilah. All God's People. Ride the Wild Wind. Don't Try So Hard. I Can't Live Without You. Jesus. Body Language. Bohemian Rhapsody. Spread Your Wings. Crazy Little Thing Called Love. No One But You. I Go Crazy. Stealin'. Tear It Up. Fat Bottomed Girls. Was It All Worth It. Modern Times Rock 'N' Roll. The Night Comes Down. Hang On In There. Hijack My Heart. Khashoggi's Ship. Lost Opportunity. Mad The Swine. My Baby Does Me. Rain Must Fall. Feelings Feelings. Killer Queen. Let Me Entertain You. Radio Ga Ga. Stone Cold Crazy. Tie Your Mother Down. Under Pressure. We Are The Champions. We Will Rock You. It's Late. Action This Day. All Dead, All Dead. Back Chat. Bicycle Race. Brighton Rock. Bring Back That Leroy Brown. Calling All Girls. Coming Soon. Cool Cat. Dancer. Dead On Time. Dear Friends. May B. Death On Two Legs. Dedicated To.. Don't Stop Me Now. Don't Try Suicide. Dragon Attack. Drowse. The Fairy Feller's Master Stroke. Father To Son. May B. Fight From The Inside. Flash's Theme. Flash. Flick Of The Wrist. Fun It. Funny How Love Is. Good Company. Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy. Great King Rat. Mercury F. Hammer To Fall. Hero, The. May B. A Human Body. I Want To Break Free. If You Can't Beat Them. I'm In Love With My Car. In Only Seven Days. In The Lap Of The Gods. Mercury F. In The Lap Of The Gods. Revisited. Is This The World We Created. It's A Hard Life. Keep Passing the Open Windows. Keep Yourself Alive. Las Palabras De Amor. Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon. Leaving Home Ain't Easy. Life Is Real. Song For Lennon. Lily Of The Valley. Long Away. Loser In The End, The. Taylor R. Machines. Or 'Back To Humans'. Man on the Prowl. The March Of The Black Queen. The Millionaire Waltz. Misfire. Deacon J. More Of That Jazz. My Fairy King. My Melancholy Blues. Need Your Loving Tonight. Nevermore. Mercury F. Now I'm Here. Ogre Battle. Play The Game. Put Out The Fire. Sail Away Sweet Sister. Seaside Rendezvous. Seven Seas Of Rhye. Sheer Heart Attack. She Makes Me. May B. Sleeping On The Sidewalk. Some Day One Day. May B. Son And Daughter. Soul Brother. Staying Power. Sweet Lady. Tenement Funster. Teo Torriatte. Let Us Cling Together. '39. White Man. White Queen. As It Began. Who needs you. You Take My Breath Away. Doing All Right. Don't Lose Your Head. Taylor R. Friends Will Be Friends. Gimme The Prize. Mercury. May. A Kind Of Magic. One Vision. One Year Of Love. Pain Is So Close To Pleasure. Princes Of The Universe. See What A Fool I've Been. MAY B. Thank God It's Christmas. Who Wants To Live Forever. You're My Best Friend.


Kráľovná. Complete Illustrated Lyrics. Kniha. Softcover. 390 strán. Vydal backbeat Knihy. HL.333226. ISBN 1617130133. 8.5x10.63 inches. V roku 2011, svet oslávila 40. výročie kráľovnej - jeden z najviac inovatívnych, očarujúce, a najvplyvnejších kapiel v histórii. V priebehu kariéry kapely, ktoré zarobili 170 miliónov predaja albumu po celom svete, napísal 18 číslo jedna hity, a vykonal 700 koncertov. Kým niektoré úkony, vo forte neuveriteľné herectvo, virtuózna inštrumentalista, silný, charizmatický vodca, alebo plodný jediný skladateľ, kráľovná zbadá všetky tieto silné stránky. Aj keď Freddie Mercury a Brian May sú uznávané ako hlavný skladatelia, každý z členov si napísal číslo jedna hity, vrátane klasikov ako "Bohemian Rhapsody". Freddie Mercury. "Another One Bites the Dust". John Deacon. "A Kind of Magic". Roger Taylor. A "We Will Rock You". Brian May. Osudy priniesol štyri tvorivé a intelektuálne mladosti spolu v Londýne v roku 1971. Merkúr bol potom zriadený v poriadku a grafik, May bol zahalený v štúdiu astrofyziky, Roger Taylor sa zapísal do zubnej škole, a John študoval elektroniku. Od tej doby sa zapísala do histórie so svojim sofistikovaným fúzie operný prejavu, divadelné predstavenia, symfonickej melódiu, a surového rock-and-roll. Počnúc svojím debutom kráľovnou v roku 1973. EMI. Electra Records. , Kapela sa vo Veľkej Británii útokom, potom dobyl Spojené štáty spolu s ostatným svetom, slúži ako priekopníkmi štadióne rocku a teší komerčný úspech a rýchlosť až do 1980. poznamenaný slávny vzhľad Live Aid v roku 1985. cez skorá 1990. Víchrica sa prekvapivý pauzu, kedy spevák Freddie Mercury zomrel na AIDS na 24.novembra 1991. Živé členovia kované dopredu a zostávajú veľké hudobné tvorca. Complete Illustrated Textovo je to prvá kniha svojho druhu. Nikdy predtým došlo k úplnej kráľovná text knihy. Stovky obrázkov, ktoré sprevádzajú piesne sa pohybujú od ručne písaných textov do vzácnych fotografií z javiska do štúdia. Súčasťou je kompletná diskografia, párovanie každú pieseň na albume, na ktorom bol pôvodne vydaný. Navrhnutý kapely dlhoročný kreatívny riaditeľ Richard Gray, kniha je ako verný kapely, ako je možné, nesúci so sebou okázalosť, výraz a hĺbku, že kráľovná stelesňuje ako spisovatelia a umelci. Ak je jedna kniha pre priaznivcov kapely vlastniť, to je jedno. Strana. You And I. Ja som sa ľahko šialeným. To sú dni našich životov. Po hlave. Show Must Go On. Aj Want It All. Miracle. Narážka. Breakthru. The Invisible Man. Love Of My Life. Klamár. Môj život bola uložená. Nemusíte Fool Me. Mother Love. A Winters Tale. Nechajte ma žiť. Príliš Much Love Will You Zabi. Je to krásny deň. Heaven For Everyone. Made In Heaven. Aj Was Born To Love You. Get Down, Make Love. Dreamer, má panenko. Niekto k láske. Prorokova pieseň. Ďalšie One Bites The Dust. Žiarlivosť. Save Me. Rock It 'Prime Jive ". Škandál. Šperk. Hitman. Delilah. Všetky Boží ľud. Choď na divokom vetre. Nesnažte So Hard. Nemôžem bez teba žiť. Ježiš. Body Language. Bohemian Rhapsody. Spread Your Wings. Bláznivá malá vec volala lásku. No One But You. Ja sa zbláznim. Stealin ". Tear It Up. Fat bottomed Girls. Bolo to všetko stojí za to. Moderná doba rock 'n' Roll. Night Comes Down. Zaveste sa tam. Hijack My Heart. Khashoggi loď. Zabudnuté príležitosť. Mad ošípaných. My Baby Má ma. Dážď musia padať. Pocity Pocity. Killer Queen. Let Me Entertain You. Radio Ga Ga. Stone Cold Bláznivý. Tie Your Mother Down. Pod tlakom. We Are The Champions. We Will Rock You. Je to neskoro. Akcie tento deň. Všetci mŕtvi, všetci mŕtvi. Späť Rozprávať. Bicycle Race. Brighton rock. Bring Back To Leroy Brown. Calling All Girls. Pripravujeme. Cool Cat. Tanečník. Dead On Time. Vážení priatelia. Môže B. Smrť na dvoch nohách. Venované.. Nepoužívajte Stop Me Now. Nesnažte Suicide. Dragon útok. Klim. The Fairy Feller Master Stroke. Otca na syna. Môže B. Boj From The Inside. Flash je Theme. Blesk. Flick Of The Wrist. Fun To. Legrační, ako láska je. Good Company. Dobrý Staromódny Lover Boy. Veľký kráľ krysa. Mercury F. Hammer To Fall. Hero,. Môže B. Ľudské telo. Aj Want To Break Free. Ak ich nemôžete poraziť. Som In Love With My Car. Iba v siedmich dní. In The Lap Of The Gods. Mercury F. In The Lap Of The Gods. Revisited. Je to svet, ktorý sme vytvorili. Je to ťažký život. Majte Absolvovanie otvorených okien. Keep Yourself Alive. Slová lásky. Leňošenie v nedeľu popoludní. Odchod Domov nie je ľahké. Život je skutočný. Song For Lennon. Konvalinka. Dlho Preč. Loser In The End,. Taylor R. Stroje. Alebo 'Späť na človeka ". Muž na love. March Of The Black kráľovnej. Millionaire Waltz. Zlyhať. Deacon J. Viac Of That Jazz. My Fairy Kráľ. My Melancholy Blues. Potrebujete Váš Loving Tonight. Už nikdy. Mercury F. Teraz som tu. Ogre bitka. Play The Game. Uhasiť oheň. Sail Away sladká sestra. Seaside Rendezvous. Seven Seas Of Rhye. Sheer Heart Attack. Ona je pre mňa. Môže B. Spanie na chodníku. Niektoré Day One Day. Môže B. Syn a dcéra. Duša Brother. Staying Power. Sladká Lady. Nájomný Funster. Teo Torriatte. Nechajte nás Cling Together. '39. White Man. Biela kráľovná. Ako to začalo. Kto vás potrebuje. Môžete mi vziať dych. Robiť všetko Právo. Nestratiť Your Head. Taylor R. Priatelia Will Be Friends. Gimme cena. Merkúr. Máj. A Kind Of Magic. Jeden Vision. Jeden rok Of Love. Bolesť je tak blízko k potešenie. Princes Of The Universe. Pozrite sa, čo blázon som. MAY B. Vďaka Bohu, že je to vianočný. Kto chce žiť večne. Si môj najlepší priateľ.