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Rediscovered Ellington. Duke Ellington. Piano Solo sheet music. Advanced.


Novoobjavený Ellington. Duke Ellington. Piano Solo noty. Pokročilý.


Rediscovered Ellington. Piano Arrangements. Composed by Duke Ellington. 1899-1974. For Piano. Artist. Personality. Piano - Personality Book. Piano Supplemental. Jazz. Advanced. Book. 184 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.AF9943. ISBN 0769286763. Jazz. Seventy lost gems from the pen of Duke Ellington arranged as advanced piano solos that capture the music exactly as it was written. Now these titles are available for the first time in the U.S.A. Some of the songs are. New Orleans Lowdown. Sweet Mamma. Memphis Wail. Dicty Glide. Immigration Blues. Black Beauty. Battle of Swing. Riding on a Blue Note. The Gal from Joes and many more. Mood Indigo. Sophisticated Lady. Birmingham Breakdown. The Jeep Is Jumpin'. Black Beauty. Awful Sad. New Orleans Low Down. Zonky Blues. Lazy Duke. Flaming Youth. Hop Head. Sweet Mama. Misty Mornin'. Sweet Charriot. Sloppy Joe. Black Cat Blues. Memphis Wail. Rub-A-Tub-Lues. Mississippi Moan. Dicty Glide. Blue Bubbles. Jubilee Stomp. Harlem Flat Blues. Ducky Wucky. Immigration Blues. The Mooche. Rent Party Blues. Take It Easy. The Breakfast Dance. Cincinnati Daddy. Move Over. Best Wishes. Saturday Night Function. High Life. Syncopated Shuffle. Beautiful Romance. Drummer's Delight. Hodge Podge. Jeep's Blues. Pussy Willow. Wanderlust. Way Low. Watermelon Man. Gal-A-Vantin. Mystery Song. Washington Babble. Battle Of Swing. Black And Tan Fantasy. Blues I Love To Sing. Blues Of The Vagabond. Blues With A Feeling. Doin' The Voom Voom. Drop Me Off In Harlem. Goin' To Town. I'm In Another World. I'm Riding on the Moon. And Dancing on the Stars. It Don't Mean A Thing. Moon Over Dixie. Pigeons And Peppers. Prelude To A Kiss. Riding On A Blue Note. Rockin' In Rhythm. Smorgasbord And Schnapps. Steppin' Into Swing Society. The Creole Love Call. Instrumental Version. The Gal From Joe's. What A Life. You Gave Me The Gate.


Novoobjavený Ellington. Piano dojednania. Zložil Duke Ellington. 1899-1974. Pre klavír. Umelec. Osobnosť. Piano - Osobnosť Book. Doplnková plán. Jazz. Pokročilý. Kniha. Počet strán: 184. Vydal Alfred Music. AP.AF9943. ISBN 0769286763. Jazz. Sedemdesiat stratené skvosty z pera Duke Ellington usporiadané ako moderné klavírny sóla, ktoré zachytávajú hudbu presne tak, ako to bolo napísané. Teraz tieto tituly sú k dispozícii pre prvý čas v USA Niektoré piesne sú. New Orleans Lowdown. Sladké Mamma. Memphis Wail. Dict Glide. Imigračný Blues. Black Beauty. Battle of Swing. Riding on a Blue Note. Gal od Joes a mnoho ďalších. Mood Indigo. Sofistikované Lady. Birmingham Breakdown. Jeep Is Jumpin '. Black Beauty. Hrozné Sad. New Orleans Low Down. Zonk Blues. Lazy Duke. Flaming Youth. Hop Head. Sladké Mama. Misty Dobré ráno. Sladké Charriot. Sloppy Joe. Black Cat Blues. Memphis Wail. Rub-A-Tub-lues. Mississippi Moan. Dict Glide. Modrá Bubbles. Jubilejný Stomp. Harlem Ploché Blues. Ducky Wucky. Imigračný Blues. The Mooche. Rent Party Blues. To chce kľud. Raňajky Dance. Cincinnati Daddy. Presun cez. Všetko najlepšie. Saturday Night funkcie. Sladký život. Synkopovaný Shuffle. Krásna romanca. Bubeník Delight. Hodge Podge. Jeep Blues. Pussy Willow. Wanderlust. Way Low. Watermelon Man. Gal-A-Vantini. Mystery Song. Washington Babble. Battle Of Swing. Black And Tan Fantasy. Blues I Love spievať. Blues Of The Vagabond. Blues s pocitom. Doin 'Voom Voom. Drop ma v Harleme. Goin 'To Town. Ja som v inom svete. Jedu na Mesiaci. A Dancing on the Stars. To neznamenajú vec. Mesiac nad Dixie. Holuby a paprika. Predohra k bozku. Jazda na Blue Note. Rockin 'In Rhythm. Bufet a pálenky. Šliapeš do Swing Society. Creole Láska volanie. Instrumental Version. Gal od Joe. Čo život. Dal si mi brány.
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